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Author Topic: Official Hans im Glück FAQ Thread  (Read 69492 times)
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« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2011, 02:53:50 pm »

1. Can any type of follower (mayors, wagons etc) be placed using a Crop Circle, or only a basic follower?

2. Can any type of figure (mayors, wagons etc) be removed using a Crop Circle, or only a basic follower?

You use "follower" in your first question but "figure" in the second for the same meaning.  Smiley
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 03:11:01 pm by CKorfmann » Logged

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« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2011, 03:34:35 pm »

You use "follower" in your first question but "figure" in the second for the same meaning.  Smiley

Corrected. Thanks  Smiley

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« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2011, 01:50:54 pm »

I'd better add this here as I've brought it up in another thread and on BGG:

Abbey and Mayor
Some rules lawyers interpret the word 'immediately' in the rules to mean that the turn ends (and is scored) as soon as someone connects a farm containing farmers to a farm containing a barn - therefore a player would not be permitted to any 'move the wood' action - while others maintain that a 'move the wood' action can indeed occur after the placement and this 'forced' immediate scoring - meaning that the 'forced'  scoring is completely separate to end of turn scoring.

HiG allows placement of a pig to a farm containing farmers to the tile that adjoins a farm with a barn before the immediate 'forced' scoring takes place, and it is clear that a player may not play a farmer into a field that contains a barn. However, what is not clear is if a player could deploy a follower to a road on this adjoining (or any other unrelated feature to the barn farm) before this immediate 'forced' scoring takes place.

An example here is Green has a farmer in a field, Red has a barn in another field. I'm playing Blue. I decide to use a tile that has a cloister on it in a perfect 'hole' on the layout for it to go. Unfortunately, this will connect Green's farmer farm to Red's barn farm. I place the tile. Now, what happens? May I deploy a monk to the cloister or does this immediate 'forced' scoring take place. Am I allowed to place a monk after any immediate 'forced' scoring, or has my turn come to an abrupt end and I cannot do any more on this turn?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 01:53:06 pm by Joff » Logged

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« Reply #63 on: April 23, 2011, 08:13:40 am »

We always play u can do this...not sure tho.

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« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2011, 10:30:36 pm »

Just played my first game with Bridges, Castles and Bazaars today, a few questions arose:
  • If a farm near a castle gets scored before the end of the game (because of a barn), does the castle get those points? Farms are only mentioned in the rules where it is talking about the end of the game.
  • Can you place a second bridge in a tile orthogonally to the one already there? Let's say you have a ffff tile with a vertical bridge, can you place a road beside it and place a second bridge there? It sounds silly, but taking the rules to the letter I'd say it's allowed.
  • If the auctioneer opens an auction with a nonzero bid and no one else bids he gets the tiles and subtracts his bid from his points? That seems to be the only way someone can lose points in an auction without those points going to someone else.
  • If you have a cloister or shrine involved in a challenge adjacent to a castle and it loses the challenge, does that cause the castle to be scored as well, getting 0 points? If not, will the castle get 9 points when the spaces around the cloister/shrine are filled?

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« Reply #65 on: July 14, 2011, 05:56:56 pm »

Hello everyone. I have a doubt about the abbey that I haven't seen address in the CAR notes nor in the forums (tough I may have overlooked it).

In the set of instructions in spanish, in the picture of example, it says that the player who plays the abbey closes one road with his meeple, but let the two cities and other road around the tile opened. It doesn't clarify any more than this.

My doubt is if the player can choose to close one, two, three or all four sides around the tile, or he always has to close just one side or all of them.

Our current house rule is that you can only close one side of it, so this tile is usually reserved for avoiding other player's big cities to be closed (or saving yours, but it's quite complicated unless most players have already used theirs).

« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 05:58:34 pm by PreGy » Logged

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« Reply #66 on: July 14, 2011, 07:47:35 pm »

Hello everyone. I have a doubt about the abbey that I haven't seen address in the CAR notes nor in the forums (tough I may have overlooked it).

In the set of instructions in spanish, in the picture of example, it says that the player who plays the abbey closes one road with his meeple, but let the two cities and other road around the tile opened. It doesn't clarify any more than this.

My doubt is if the player can choose to close one, two, three or all four sides around the tile, or he always has to close just one side or all of them.

Our current house rule is that you can only close one side of it, so this tile is usually reserved for avoiding other player's big cities to be closed (or saving yours, but it's quite complicated unless most players have already used theirs).


There is not a matter of choosing. The abbey tile automatically terminates all features on all four sides. My english copy of the rules uses the word "completes" but that is a poor choice in this case. The features are only completed if they are not open on any other end or edge. If a road is still open on its other end then it is not completed although one end of it will be terminated where it meets the abbey. If the features are completed as a result of this (meaning they cannot otherwise be extended further) then they are scored. The features remain incomplete if they still have an open end or edge. The player placing the abbey has a choice of where to place the tile but has no choice of which of the features it completes.

Hope this helps.
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« Reply #67 on: July 15, 2011, 03:10:55 am »

Thank you Smiley

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« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2011, 09:27:56 am »

Just played my first game with Bridges, Castles and Bazaars today, a few questions arose:
  • If a farm near a castle gets scored before the end of the game (because of a barn), does the castle get those points? Farms are only mentioned in the rules where it is talking about the end of the game.
  • Can you place a second bridge in a tile orthogonally to the one already there? Let's say you have a ffff tile with a vertical bridge, can you place a road beside it and place a second bridge there? It sounds silly, but taking the rules to the letter I'd say it's allowed.
  • If the auctioneer opens an auction with a nonzero bid and no one else bids he gets the tiles and subtracts his bid from his points? That seems to be the only way someone can lose points in an auction without those points going to someone else.
  • If you have a cloister or shrine involved in a challenge adjacent to a castle and it loses the challenge, does that cause the castle to be scored as well, getting 0 points? If not, will the castle get 9 points when the spaces around the cloister/shrine are filled?

1- As you say, it isn't mentioned that case, but I'd assume you score 4 points as well (5 with pig), unless there is already a barn, then 2 points per castle (3 with pig).
2- I wouldn't think so, altough the case isn't seem addressed on the rules, you would have to place the bridge in two tiles, and I don't think that's allowed.
3- Yes.
4- Yes, the castle will be closed when the next structure within its range closes, whether it makes points or not.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 09:31:44 am by PreGy » Logged

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« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2011, 12:24:54 pm »

Thanks for the answers, PreGy.

1- As you say, it isn't mentioned that case, but I'd assume you score 4 points as well (5 with pig), unless there is already a barn, then 2 points per castle (3 with pig).
That's not what I meant. I want to know if scoring that farm will trigger the scoring of the castle, as something adjacent to it has been scored.

2- I wouldn't think so, altough the case isn't seem addressed on the rules, you would have to place the bridge in two tiles, and I don't think that's allowed.
You wouldn't have to place the bridge in two tiles, you'd have to place two bridges in one tile.
To make the situation clear I've attached two pictures. If the board is as in the first picture, are you allowed to play the move in picture 2? It certainly seems silly, but the rulebook doesn't forbid it.
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« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2011, 01:17:57 pm »

As unlikely as this may seems, it's reasonable that it could be done since the rules allow bridgeplacement on the tile you just played or one adjacent to it.  The question would be whether HiG would decide to rule on placing a bridge on a tile that already had one.  Good one for the FAQ's.

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« Reply #71 on: January 25, 2012, 09:14:59 am »

I want to raise a voice in the auctioner problem.

When auction is perform it goes like that

p1 - player 1
p2 - player 2

p1 - open auction with nonzero bid.
p2 - get the tile.
p1 subtract nonzero points, p2 add nonzero points

and when p2 = p1, nobody add points? That seems to be quite odd. If the points are subtarcted then, in my feeling, thouse points have to go somewere, and when p2 = p1, then the points are subtracted form p1, and goes to p2, when p2 = p1, then they go to p1...
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« Reply #72 on: January 25, 2012, 11:08:18 am »

One of the most convenient things about Matt being our contact with HiG is his fluent German.  Is there anyone else on the site that is fluent in both English and German?

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« Reply #73 on: January 25, 2012, 12:33:24 pm »

Just played my first game with Bridges, Castles and Bazaars today, a few questions arose:
  • If a farm near a castle gets scored before the end of the game (because of a barn), does the castle get those points? Farms are only mentioned in the rules where it is talking about the end of the game.

Here's my take on this. Castles do not share in barn-scoring. According to the rules the castle is scored when a feature in its vicinity is completed. Barn-scoring is not the result of a feature being completed so the castle does not share in that scoring.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 12:38:15 pm by Carcking » Logged

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« Reply #74 on: January 25, 2012, 12:37:26 pm »

Just played my first game with Bridges, Castles and Bazaars today, a few questions arose:
  • If you have a cloister or shrine involved in a challenge adjacent to a castle and it loses the challenge, does that cause the castle to be scored as well, getting 0 points? If not, will the castle get 9 points when the spaces around the cloister/shrine are filled?

Here's my take on this one. The losing feature is not complete so the castle does not share in that scoring. When that feature is completed the castle would score the 9 points for the feature (given that this is the first feature completed in the vicinity). The main question is does the play complete the castle - if not the castle is not scored.

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