I'd better add this here as I've brought it up in another thread and on BGG:
Abbey and Mayor
Some rules lawyers interpret the word 'immediately' in the rules to mean that the turn ends (and is scored) as soon as someone connects a farm containing farmers to a farm containing a barn - therefore a player would not be permitted to any 'move the wood' action - while others maintain that a 'move the wood' action can indeed occur after the placement and this 'forced' immediate scoring - meaning that the 'forced' scoring is completely separate to end of turn scoring.
HiG allows placement of a pig to a farm containing farmers to the tile that adjoins a farm with a barn before the immediate 'forced' scoring takes place, and it is clear that a player may not play a farmer into a field that contains a barn. However, what is not clear is if a player could deploy a follower to a road on this adjoining (or any other unrelated feature to the barn farm) before this immediate 'forced' scoring takes place.
An example here is Green has a farmer in a field, Red has a barn in another field. I'm playing Blue. I decide to use a tile that has a cloister on it in a perfect 'hole' on the layout for it to go. Unfortunately, this will connect Green's farmer farm to Red's barn farm. I place the tile. Now, what happens? May I deploy a monk to the cloister or does this immediate 'forced' scoring take place. Am I allowed to place a monk after any immediate 'forced' scoring, or has my turn come to an abrupt end and I cannot do any more on this turn?
Joff, I think this would be an extreme interpretation of the word "immediate". I can't believe it would be the spirit of the Barn rule to (literally in a passing statement) cause a player to forego the wood phase of his turn as that would be in major conflict with the original rules of the game where it clearly gives the player the opportunity to deply a follower. I think the appropriate interpretation would be to consider that "immediate" can define the relative occurance of an event. In the case of Barn-scoring I would say they are drawing attention to the fact that you don't wait until the end of the game to barn-score. I suppose you're correct that there are rules lawyers out there even if self proclaimed - but boy, this one would be a stretch.