Well, finally I played forests, fishermen, whispering woods, winter 2008 and mathguy 2008 fan-made expansions with the usual suspects. I haven't made all the tiles yet but we played with these expansions and the base tiles, GQ11, River I and two sets of River II. I had about 80 tiles from the forests, about 50 from fishermen and only a few from the other fan-made. It made a lot of success in spite of playing it at Christmas Eve just after gift distribution. That is we played it from 3:00 am till 6:00 am. Yes, we have a big family. There were something between 250 and 300 tiles to play. We were all very sleepy but also excited. From this first game I concluded:
1) Forests are the easy elements to be completed because there are so many tiles.
2) Big cities are harder to complete because there are a lot of elements and because of the random play.
3) Board holes are a little easier to fill because there are a lot more tile configurations.
4) Rivers are the funniest elements to play. It's awesome the fact of having several rivers on the board.
5) River tunnels are the most popular features in these expansions.
6) Everyone adored the 4-sided 4-town mathguy tile. It's a pity it just came out near the finish.
7) Playing with these expansions takes a long time to play and there are no special or complicated rules because there are only base elements on the board.
8 ) Sometimes we need a very large table to play Carcassonne.
I can hardly wait to have another play with fan-made expansions, but I'll have to make some new tiles and order some more blank tiles from HiG.
You got to try it, guys. It's fantastic! I LOVE THIS GAME!