This is more of a question for Gantry and the admins:
Process for Variants to be included in a the CCCCC Compendium of Carcassonne Central Cool Customizations. (Variants).
(1) A member of CarcassonneCentral Forums recommends a variant to include in the CCCCC.
(2) Two other members support the recommendation for this variant to be included in the CCCCC document of Variants.
(3) The admins set up a poll to have members vote. There must be at least X votes to have a variant deemed worthy enough for inclusion.
(4) All variants with X votes get added to the CCCCC.
This is just a draft of the process, but I am curious to see if others see merit in this.
This is just my own opinion and thus I don't speak for Matt or anyone else, but I believe that all
sufficiently-unique variants should be included in the Variant Registry. By this I mean that we're not going to include the obviously silly submissions such as these:
- Carc Minus One: remove 1 tile at the start of the game, now play!
- Better farms: make farms worth 100 points!
- Dangerous Rivers: Placing a river gets you two extra turns!
Take another look at
this, especially the section "Does it qualify as a variant?", as well as my last post. I really don't want CC to be a filter for people's creative ideas, otherwise people would stop posting their variants here for fear of rejection.
On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with rating variants, which is a future feature of the Variant Registry.