@ mdjvz Thanks again for these points. Here are my thoughts:
page 3: Point 1, 2nd IF "They may ransom one prisoner from one opponent":vsmall remark: "you should have at least 3 points"
Footnote added to cover this.
footnote 8: there are actually 2 points at which you would like to ransom a prisoner: 1) after drawing & placing a tile 2) before possibly move a follower to Carcassonne. Together with the builder this gives a maximum of 4 possible opportunities to ransom a follower (of which no more than one may be executed)
Footnote added including a version of this text with acknowledgment to you.
p3 Point 2 first IF: I would add: "immediate U-turns are forbidden"
p3 Point 2 second ELSE "according to the rule for placements of Shrines and Cloisters" I would add a footnote with this rule: "A shrine or cloister may not be placed in such a way that a shrine adjoins more than one cloister/shrine/abbey." ( This covers the original rule, and also the problem in footnote 189 )
Good points. But right now I am resisting making this document too much of a rules reference. I am trying (most of the time) to keep it to the issues of sequence of turn. Aldaron tried to make his document a rules summary as well, but he was much more skilled at clear legal language than I am. So where I can, I am resorting to “ . . do this; now; according to the rules . . .”. I may weaken on this one day . . .
p4 Point 2 "Tiles that complete Cities and road....". I would move these 3 Points to Point 6 of 4. Scoring. So that would become: "Calculate scores for the feature and move the scoring markers, take trade goods, and award king, and/or Robber Baron, if applicable", But that is just a matter of taste it is not wrong!
I have placed this here for two reasons. One, Aldaron did it and I liked his work. Two, it helps clarify some of the confusion that can arise about the differences between completion and scoring – like when people think you have to score and complete a city to get trade goods tokens, etc, etc. I agree though that it is ultimately a matter of style.
p4 Point 3 next ELSE: "The piece must be deployed to uncompleted feature": This is wrong it may be deployed to any feature (complete or uncomplete) on the tile just played.
Dumb mistake on my part! I have corrected it to “unoccupied feature”.
p5: "A Pig, Builder can be placed on the tile, or a Barn on tiles adjoining that meet Barn deployment requirements. But the Pig and Builder are eaten by the Dragon immediately and removed": I do not think this is true, the dragon only eats things where it goes to. In the description of the dragon you state it correctly: "Pigs and builders placed on a volcano tile when the tile is first placed are not eaten by the dragon unless he moves back to that tile in a later turn"
Seems to me that this has gone around the loop several times. There is reference to the matter in one of the HiG question-sets, but the latest FAQ (see the Volcano entry) is definitive. In answer to this issue it states: “The dragon eats everything within its reach (on its tile), regardless of whether it moves, is deployed or simply stands there.” I will have to change the figures document!!
p5:"The turn may be interrupted here for Dragon movement" I think the dragon deserves its own numbering (number 4 that is) But that is again just a matter of taste!
Yes, I would like to change the numbering sometines, but I agreed with Matt to keep the overall turn conforming with the CAR's sequence and I have to live with that.
p6. Point 4 scoring (point2) : I think the deployment of followers to carcassone must be done BEFORE all the feature scoring. . [much omitted] . . . . . . However this is probably still worth asking HiG!
p6. Point 4 scoring (wagon deployment): I think this has to be done AFTER all the features are scored, so "Multiple Wagons are moved (or removed) in turn starting with the player placing the completing tile" (so not per feature). So it should be done possibly after: "Return followers to supply"
We have a huge difference of interpretation here. One that I had never thought of before. I have followed Aldaron's approach and the approach we use – which is feature by feature scoring. If you score features separately there can be some tactics and strategy in selecting the scoring order when the Count is involved. This seems to me to be important.
I also believe that the original game and the Count rules contemplate feature by feature scoring. Note for example that the Count rules about moving meeples FROM Carcassonne use the word “feature” in the singular in all the critical sentences.
I would follow Aldaron's interpretation of how to take turns for moving meeples to each feature.
Seems to me that wagon movement should also be consistent with this. Although we have never had a situation where a tile completed a feature containing two wagons that belonged to someone other than the placing player and that seems to me to be the time when it would matter.
I think this might merit a separate thread and a question to HiG. I hope we hear from some of the regulars here about this too. In the meantime I will stick with the current version.
p6 footnote 25: after carcassone deployment & wagon movements have been taken out of the feature scoring "loop", the order is not important anymore!
IF they are taken out

Game figures, doc
p4: The description of Wagon movement "When a feature containing....." is a bit vague, somewhere in the forum was a good description ( I cannot find it now (-; )
I think basically a wagon can move from a road to a city or a cloister, or vice versa, but only if the road leads DIRECTLY in the city/cloister, and it should be uncompleted & unoccupied!
p10 fairy: "If the fairy is standing next to a follower....", I would add: "also at the end of the game, when a feature is scored"
p12 summary: footnote 2, is no longer true (see footnote 130 in the CAR), it it possible now to capture your own follower with a tower
I will incorporate all of these points – thanks.
Hope to have new PDFs posted later today.