Went into a little comic and game store here in Plymouth (UK) today. He carries loads of comics and just a few games. Only went in to kill 10 minutes and there was a sealed copy of New World sitting there! Well, would have been rude to leave without it...
So I have a copy. Had a look in the box and read of the rules this evening. As already reported, the rules are prety much the same as the main game with a few exceptions - If you have equal meeples (settlers) in towns or on roads you both get full points for example. Not a lot different really. The two surveyors make for a different play though. I'm guessing it makes for a far aggressive style of play with a quichk scorer stealing a real march on other players.
The tile art is somewhat different, but that's been the case with most stand alones... and indeed should be. The scoreboard/Starting board is a nice fold out affair - I was expecting a jigsaw fit as in the Castle. Once again the quality is of a high standard. The box art is completely different to all previous games (and expansions), a very good historical style painted picture instaed of the 'cartoon' style of the others.
Looking forward to playing it soon... but not tomorrow. That's reserved for another tile laying game written by a friend of mine! Perhaps the weekend.