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Author Topic: Roman influence expansion  (Read 70312 times)
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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2009, 11:52:39 pm »

Sorry for the double post.  I played the Coliseum tile tonight for the first time and came up with one question.  What if all the roads are complete and none of them lead to a city?  This was a possibility in our game until almost the end.  What should it score then?  A fixed number perhaps... like 3?

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« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2009, 01:18:49 am »

...I would just say that his Barracks and Outpost ideas could well be used to a roman theme too.  (He also has a tile that does this same thing for farmers but that one doesn't translate so well to the Roman theme.  "Roman Ranch," "Caesar's Pigsty" I don't know how to transition that one though it would be nice to have that one to).
This also sounds like a separate expansion package.  I like the Ranch.  I used it for the first time today.

Maybe Roman Villa? I think they were houses/ estates for the wealthy in the country- although this might be different to the 'ranch' idea?


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« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2009, 10:54:36 am »

...I would just say that his Barracks and Outpost ideas could well be used to a roman theme too.  (He also has a tile that does this same thing for farmers but that one doesn't translate so well to the Roman theme.  "Roman Ranch," "Caesar's Pigsty" I don't know how to transition that one though it would be nice to have that one to).
This also sounds like a separate expansion package.  I like the Ranch.  I used it for the first time today.

When you say separate expansion package do you mean a separate part of the Roman series or a separate expansion altogether?

So as a Roman series there would be:
-Chariot Race (separate as is)
-Roman Road and Temple (separate as is though I’d still like to see a second temple to compare to the two cathedrals)
-Basilica[1], Coliseum[1], Forum[1-2], Bath[2] and Theater[2]
-Barracks[2], Outposts[2], Villa[2], gymnasium(or include this with Basilica etc)

Is that what others are thinking at this point?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 12:43:09 pm by loganmann1 » Logged

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« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2009, 02:09:56 pm »

Question on the Coliseum.  Do the cities have to be complete for the Gladiator to get the points and be returned or is it based purely on the road ending into a city segment?  Also, there are CRCR tiles where the road runs into the city, goes into a tunnel, comes out in the field and keeps going.  The road therefore touches but does not END in the city it passes through.  Does this city count for additional points.  So is it based on road ends? or cities touched? (and do they need to be completed cities or not)

Questions on the Gymnasium.  I saw this as a chance for every player to 1 up one follower for the rest of the game.  I envisioned this as affecting normal, big and possibly mayor meeples.  Giving them an extra count as followers for the rest of the game (ie normal counts as 2, big counts as 3 and mayor has a count of 1 as a bast).  I've just recently become familiar with the meeple upgrade expansion that is being worked on and realized that this is not all that different.  The Meeple Upgrade grants .5 upgrades to those same three meeples but then additionally adds special characteristics to builders, pigs, wagons and farms as well.  Should these ideas be incorporated...where Meeple upgrade is the mechanic and gymnasium is the trigger that lets you play it?  I'm fine keeping them separate or voting not to use the gymnasium, but i did realize they are much the same.  Thoughts?

Also on the gymnasium...should players have the option of playing a follower on the gymnasium to increase him but they don't get him back until the gymnasium is completeed (surrounded like a cloister or at least the four sides finished or something).  No points are scored but then they get there extra strong meeple figure for teh rest of the game. That way its not just a bonus for everyone and people have to decide if its worth it to them.

PS Sorry for the long double post

« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 10:58:06 am by loganmann1 » Logged

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« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2009, 06:58:50 pm »

Here are some prototype aquaucts to show my idea in more detail:

EDIT: If this idea gains support, I might start a new thread for these (with loganmann1's permission, after all, an aquaduct was his idea.)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 07:02:04 pm by meepleater » Logged


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« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2009, 08:17:34 pm »

Aquaduct is all yours.  I think it came up before me anyhow. Smiley

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« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2009, 08:19:31 pm »

I thought you were the first person to mention it in this thread. (If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me if you actually created it.)


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« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2009, 08:22:55 pm »

just out of curiosity, how many tiles do you envision with this

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« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2009, 08:24:51 pm »

Maybe 12. Any less and connecting features with aquaducts would become far too difficult.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2009, 09:15:54 pm »

Question on the Coliseum.  Do the cities have to be complete for the Gladiator to get the points and be returned or is it based purely on the road ending into a city segment?  Also, there are CRCR tiles where the road runs into the city, goes into a tunnel, comes out in the field and keeps going.  The road therefore touches but does not END in the city it passes through.  Does this city count for additional points.  So is it based on road ends? or cities touched? (and do they need to be completed cities or not)
It is my understanding that the city must be complete in order to score for the Gladiator. 

As for the aquaducts, how do you avoid someone playing a different tile where an aquaduct is supposed to go?  What if you draw a center section before you draw the one leaving the city?  I'm concerned about forced tile placement.  What are you thinking about in terms of scoring?

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« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2009, 10:01:01 pm »

Say the / represemts the aquaduct, an X represents areas without tiles, while th / in the bottom left repsresents where the aquaduct is aiming for.


The easiset way to connect them would be


But if the centre one was taken,


It would still be possible to connect them if you get enough aquaducts;


So it should be possible to have them re-route.

If you draw one of the centre sections first, it would be possible to place it nearby one of your cities or roads. Maybe there should be more than 12 tiles in this expansion. There could also be a rule allowing you to rotate a tile showing an aquaduct (as long as the tile still matches the adjacent tiles in terms of C-C, R-R etc.)



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« Reply #56 on: December 10, 2009, 10:29:17 pm »

There could also be a rule allowing you to rotate a tile showing an aquaduct (as long as the tile still matches the adjacent tiles in terms of C-C, R-R etc.)

Whose to say I didn't just rotate it cause I wanted my farm to connect to something else better?  Was that a second function of the aquaduct, to blcok farms.

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« Reply #57 on: December 10, 2009, 11:57:17 pm »

hmm... good point.

Mabe in order to rotate the tile you need a majority of followers in either feature connecting to the aquaduct. And when an aquaduct is complete, no more rotation.


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« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2009, 01:38:53 am »

EDIT: Maybe I'm jumping the gun but here are some first draft rule sheets (in need of graphics).  I did not include Roman Road and Roman Temple or Aquaducts in any way.  This is totally up for editing/combining/separating/changing as you like it.   

Roman Influence:

Roman Soldier:

I've had a quick read of the rules & have noticed a couple of things:

  • On page 2 there are two different spellings of theatre (the heading uses the American 'theater', while the rest uses the British 'theatre'). I could be wrong, but from what I've seen in other variants I believe the British spelling is used?
  • Also, I'm not sure which spelling of colosseum should be used - according to the dictionaries I have there are two different spellings ('colosseum' and 'coliseum'). I grew up with the former spelling, and the one in Rome is 'The Colosseum', however I haven't been able to determine whether the latter is an American version of the spelling, a difference between singular and plural, or something else.

Oh, and one small thing I've just noticed - my username is 'djdahmer' not 'djdahamer' Wink

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« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2009, 11:03:08 am »

Thanks djdahmer...updated

Roman Influence:

Roman Soldier:

These are still totally open to rule changes/edits/combination/separation etc...

Does someone want to take on the challenge of tile design?  Solazy's tiles are good inspiration for those based on it.  I'm not to good at graphics personally.  I can send a word doc of these rule sets to whoever would like to do graphics and you can insert whatever you feel you'd want to by way of clarification or examples of scoring.

EDIT: Switched links from .pdf's to .doc files.  
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 11:55:08 am by loganmann1 » Logged
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