This is mentioned in the footnotes of the Complete Annotated Rules. It's always good to check that before asking a question.
Nowhere in the official rules coming with the game or on the Rio Grande web site ( is it mentionned that pigs or builders go back to their owners when a follower is captured/eaten/seduced. All it says is this:
- "The pig remains where placed until the end of the game"
- "As long as a road is not completed, the builder remains there and the player may get double turns for extending the road. When the road is completed and scored, the player returns the thief and builder to his supply."
OK, the extensions dealing with capturing/eating/seducing followers came after the "Traders and builders" one, but at least they could have explained in those future extensions how to deal with cases like that...
It's like "the wagon is actually a follower and can be seduced by the princess", of course... that makes a lot of sense, I don't know why I didn't think of it first...
I'm not the only who has been scratching his head on rules with Carcassonne, and this is why I come to a site like this.
You're saying there are "Complete Annotated Rules", I'm glad yo mention it, because I wish they were easier to find! I browsed the carcassonnecentral web site before looking at this forum and I didn't see a reference to these complete annotated rules! The forum thread says it should be in the download section, but when I click on the link given by the forum thread, I get a page with just "Account Error: Inactive"... and there's nothing I can find in the download section itself... Maybe the section is just down for now, I'll try again later.