And thanks CKorfmann for being so quick to respond, but suspect that there is a deeper underlying misconception here that you may have missed. When Jokerman said...
Can you guys help with a Question? I have played many games of Carc. but one thing remains a mystery!
With the Siege,Farmers supply beseiged cities,and at the end of the game each beseiged city scores,'Double':6 points or 8 points with a Pig.
Surely double should mean 8 points or 10 with a Pig ?
Please can you resolve my confusion,even my wife is baffled(and she knows everything!)
...I think he and his wife may using the First Edition or RGG rules instead of the now official HiG Third Edition rules for scoring Farmer Meeples. And I refer everyone back to the Introduction (on page 3) of the Carcassonne Annotated Rules (CAR), where this evolutionary process is nicely explained. Since the friends whom I normally play Carcassonne with form a "closed" social group -- I'm the only one who is a member here and attends outside gaming clubs, etc. -- we still use the 1st Ed. Farmer Scoring methodology, the way we originally learned it. That was easier for me than trying to convince everyone in the group why they needed to change a strategy that was and still is working for them.