Oops... my bad. Thanks jalle. It's now fixed. And I agree, jalle, the expansions get a bit confusing after a while, but hopefully the better ones will stand out.
I'm still not sure I "get" this expansion - does everyone get a constable? If so, then there can be as many constables on the board in play as there are players. Personally, I doubt I will play with this one because even with scaling up and mega-carcassonne, roads, well, score less than a city or a farmer. Granted farmers stay until the end of the game, so knights in cities will really be the focus before everyone places their constable. In the games we play, a thief on a road is seldom used, because we favour cities. If we draw a tile with no cities, it's either quick points for a 2-point road (if possible), or the tile is used to extend a farm. Losing a thief is no biggie, the potential score for that road will not be more than 20. Losing a farmer on the other hand, especially in big games where lots of expansions are used, could mean losing upwards of 20-50 points. Now that is a biggie.
Also, eventhough I can understand why roads with constables aren't counted for the robber baron, but that just makes this expansion less attractive than it could be, and that is another flaw that needs to be factored in.
However, this expansion might come in handy if playing with expansions that up the value of the road such as the
Inns on a Lake variant. Perhaps one should explore along these lines. Don't get me wrong, I see the potential in this expansion, but as it is currently written, I think The Prison is better. Hmm... now that I've taken a closer look at the Prison...