Dragons eat pigs and that is all I need to know. (Just as a tile with a pig herd is .. a pig herd tile.) To argue otherwise is to defy all that is logical.
I'm not saying the rules are logical, I'm just quoting them (and I even agree that they are all BUT logical!).
The rules are clear.
But in my opinion it makes no sense to treat the lake/volcano tile any different than all the other volcano tiles
Well, it makes sense if you read and follow the rules from
River II.
unless you're playing with some of Novelty's fantastic expansions, the lake is just an image with no real playing value, whereas the volcano is a feature which impacts gameplay.
I do not play with any fan made variant or whatever you want to call it. But the rules of
River II is clear (still!).
You may consider that a house rules if you prefer.
I do not understand this comment? I have nothing against house rules - my gaming group use plenty of them

However, by the same token your not placing pigs/builders on volcano tiles (apart from the lake/volcano) would also have to be considered a house rule since it contradicts P&D. Seems like a no-win situation to me.
No. The tile belongs to
River II and thus that tile is no concern of any other expansion than
River II.
P&D rules are just used to make sure players know what to do when playing a tile with a volcano on it. You can play
River II without
P&D in which case the volcano is not used in any sense (but still visible to players).
No, but your main discussion was with hester. My opinion of it is to play with the Fishermen's rules, in which case the main argument is redundant, which I have already been stated above.
I just find it humourous that the dragon may be able to eat the pig herd on the pig herd tile as well and I made that comment complete with the smiley to show that I'm not to be taken seriously. Anyways, back to the "main argument" for which my opinion would just complicate matters. Anyways, if it is a "ruling" that is required from HiG, perhaps it should be posted to the HiG questions thread?
What are fishermen's rules? I am sure it is not an official expansion? If it is not - anything that it proclaims is moot.
The dragon may not eat any tile at all, unless you play with house rules (and the pig herd is a tile - it is not something you place
on a tile).
And no - it is not anything HiG needs to worry about - the ruling is quite clear (unless you want it to be unclear - in which case HiG will not be able to do anything about it anyway).