Merit: 2
Posts: 17
« on: November 02, 2008, 06:23:39 pm » |
Two questions for our new expansion... 1. Since pigs, traders and barns are not followers, will they be impacted by "Knock out – remove followers" or by "Seduction – follower exchange" from the catapult expansion. Dragon eats pigs and traders! Would you apply the same logic to the catapult? For "Seduction – follower exchange", can you exchange a pig for a follower? Below are the rules from Rio Grande website. "Knock out – remove followers": When a follower is hit (touched) by a hurled token (the follower need not fall down!), the owner of the follower must take it back immediately, placing it in his play areas. If several follower are touched, all must return to their owners. If followers of the hurling player are touched, he must also take them back. If the token knocks one follower into another, the second follower must also be taken back. In this way, a chain reaction, involving several followers, can occur. "Seduction – follower exchange": The goal is to hurl this token so that it comes to rest on one or more landscape tiles on the map of Carcassonne you have been building. If it slides of f the map, it has no effect! If it does not come to rest on the map, the hurling player takes the token back and t akes no action. If the token comes to rest on the map, then the players determine which opponent ’s follower is closest to the token and may use the measuring board in case of doubt. The player, who hurled the token, may exchange one of his followers with this follower. He may use a follower in his play area or one already on the map. He returns the exchanged follower to its owner. 2. Does the "Fair symbol" from the catapult expansion split the farms. Two tiles in particular are problematic. One has two different city segments split in the middle by a fair symbol. This one seems obvious that it splits the farms. The other one has two different road segments split by a fair symbol. This one is less obvious since the "yellow sand ground" of the "Fair symbol" does not split the farm. it's the flag on top the tent on the fair symbol that splits the farm. Hope you understand what I mean. I would say that "Fair symbols" end roads like tower foundations do.
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 11:41:13 pm » |
I think this should be Tiberius'ed and added to the questions that Matt is collecting for HiG to answer.
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 45
Posts: 1538
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 09:50:38 am » |
The rules say "followers", and it has been established that the pig and builder are NOT followers, so they would not be affected unless all the followers on the feature are removed. Since the pig and builder are not able to stand on their own, then they would be removed.
Merit: 2
Posts: 17
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 05:53:30 pm » |
The initial rules for Princess and Dragom also said "Follower". This was changed after a FAQ to "follower, builder and pig". The same might be true for this expansion. Flavorwise, a builder and a pig can be eaten by the Drgon. Flavorwise, a builder, a pig or a barn can be destroyed by a catapult by "Knock out - Remove followers". For "Seduction – follower exchange", flavorwise, I would not include the barn. Probably not the pig either . In that case, might as well leave out the builder too. So even if the Catapult rules mention "Follower", I'm not convinced!
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 45
Posts: 1538
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 10:57:53 am » |
I will agree that it's possible for HiG to change their mind, but I'd like to optimistically expect that because Catapult is the most recent expansion - after the rules change to P&D - that they consciously made the decision to limit to followers.
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2008, 11:01:49 am » |
I would have thought that HiG would not have made that mistake, and follower would not refer to and not builders, pigs or barns.
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 10:02:46 pm » |
Perhaps we need to get someone who understand German to read the german rules?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 08:42:09 pm » |
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 10:23:41 am » |
Toot! Toot! Pity! Pity! There! There!
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2008, 09:54:12 pm » |
lost the threat here, but, the cloister tile with a fair in it on the catapult set... do that tile is roads on both ends or a real botch/misprints and shall be farms all around??
LCF = 57 + 3!!!
13 man on the field IS a penalty!!!!!(10 yards, automatic 1st down)
A match can never be ended on a defensive penalty!!!
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2008, 12:21:57 am » |
That's farms all around. Roads are white.
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2008, 05:27:11 am » |
I thought that too, but considering the very little space beside the Cloister-Fair hybrid, it becomes more confusing. If you look closely to the right of the tile, the strange little road-like think seems to connect to roads just fine. On the left side, the art from the cloister falls right off the tile, making it impossible to determine if a road is there. The fact that the Fair art has the strange road-like thing (which it does not have on other tiles) makes me think it was at least an attempt to make a road. The other side is so cut off, I'd almost say it blocks a farm, but isn't a road (but that doesn't make any sense). I say this tile is put to the HiG test as well, to clarify!
'There is no place in a fanatic's head where reason can enter'. - Napoleon Bonaparte I, Emperor of the French (1804-1814, 1815)
Marquis Chevalier
Merit: 49
Posts: 2782
Custom Tile Maker
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2008, 06:48:31 am » |
Well, I guess it depends on whether the catapult yellow is considered a separator (for example on the tile between the city and the farm) or part of the surrounding. Personally, I don't think it's a road because it's not white in colour, but yellow... it's probably "botch/misprints" as Deatheux calls it, but I agree it should probably be put forward to HiG to confirm. Tiberius this for Joff
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2008, 06:28:58 pm » |
Well, I guess it depends on whether the catapult yellow is considered a separator (for example on the tile between the city and the farm) or part of the surrounding. Personally, I don't think it's a road because it's not white in colour, but yellow... it's probably "botch/misprints" as Deatheux calls it, but I agree it should probably be put forward to HiG to confirm. Tiberius this for Joff nov... Thx !
LCF = 57 + 3!!!
13 man on the field IS a penalty!!!!!(10 yards, automatic 1st down)
A match can never be ended on a defensive penalty!!!