Well, since Forests have been copying various other things (or plagiarising

), this Forest expansion will have the equivalent of:
1. Pennants scoring extra points, similar to the pennants in cities. 29 tiles
2. Follower promotion ala The Orders of Chivalry. 4 tiles
3. Tiles that give an extended turn (i.e. draw a 2nd tile) when played, first seen in Lavender Fields. 12 tiles
45 tiles total
1. I have no idea what sort of icon to use in the forest. I have a feeling it should be a shield of some sort so that it is easily identified as a pennant. What to put in the shield is going to be a problem. I was originally going to use the Aude cross thing, but has graciously suggested that Joff use that for the Orders of Chivalry, so now I'm stuck looking for another image.
2. To avoid confusion, the same round icon from tOoC will be used. There will be 4 tiles with this icon, and the rules will be modified somewhat for Forests in that a tile with the tOoC icon, will enable mayors to be played onto the tile (as forest administrators? Woodsman leader?) with a strength = to the pennants (item 1) in the forest, in lieu of follower promotion.
3. I thought of using the bee icon from Lavender Fields (representing wild honey) for these types of tiles. Then I had second thoughts. There will be 12 of these tiles.
As usual, comments welcomed!