I'm really experimenting with ideas at present. Stocks started as an idea about
hindering one's opponent (putting them in the stocks) with a medieval theme (perhaps not historically accurate in the region of Carcassonne, but one that everyone can identify with). In what way can one hinder an opponent? Missing a turn! A mechanic that is missing from the current game. Now, it might well be missing for a good reason. Novelty's point about opponents being able to lay multiple tiles before the 'missing a turn' player gets to draw again was a situation that I had not thought about. I still like the idea of the missing a turn mechanic, but how to implement without the builder problem raising its head?
Perhaps there is a better way to hinder someone? Hanging someone, via that gallows is completely different to hindering someones progress. Hinderance is temporary, hanging is permanent, and so the Gallows merits its own inclusion as a mini-expansion. I was amused that Scott and I were thinking along the same lines though
Playing with the mechanics that you've got already in a game is somewhat limiting, and as you know, difficult. For instance, I love the Goldmines mechanic, where the feature is scored
until complete and
loses points for its occupier should it remain incomplete. That is clever. But it is now used and difficult to tweak in another form. The white meeples of Treasure Hunt... absolutely brilliant idea, but again, difficult to re-implement (but very useful, and i've no doubt that it will be used again). Jousting Tournament uses just the Knights to gain a victory, ignoring other followers occupying the city, but as soon as it's re-implemented you would know... ahhhh, Jousting Tournament! Invasion of Catharism. Simple idea, use 'redundant' tiles in a different way. Allows the
replacing of a tile to suit a different purpose than that of the originally drawn one.
You will notice that I am also toying with mini-expansions at present (as opposed to major expansions, such as Forests). This is on purpose.
Now, there are others that browse this forum, and have ideas that they are
not posting. I would encourage them to get your ideas out in the open, so we can all think about them. Need help understanding the 'what if' questions that multiple expansions raise regarding your idea? ...we can all help. Not good at designing tiles?... we have people that will do that for you! Can't write rules?... others will do that for you! We are
not variant/expansion hogs and will give you the credit when your idea is used. This site is a community and should not be limited to just the handful of people posting their comments and ideas. In this way we get to have the best variants available for the entire Carcassonne community.