OK, here's my two cents on this one... though it looks more like a nickel!
Forgive me, the ideas are flowing.
Excellent idea and seems very doable. What does GQ have to offer the Carcassonne world and HiG that we don't? If they can do it, so can we. Here are my comments/questions:
7. While there are a number of routes for distribution, our group has suggested through RGG, game stores and our web site. Clearly your opinion weighs more heavily in this area than ours as you have the greatest experience. What is your suggestion for this?
If the expansion is produced, it would be distributed by RGG. You, of course, could act as a retailer for it.
So does this mean that Jay would ship everything from "his house" or simply that it would have his name on it (RRG) and we'd ship it from "our house." If the latter is true, I'd strongly recommend that we have two shipping locations. One in the States and one in Europe. Shipping from the U.S. to Canada is simple and doesn't really cost that much more. I'm not familiar with how things work in Europe, but someone there would be. People elsewhere, like Australia (Sorry Nov!) would just have to pay a little extra. Or, perhaps we could have a third, smaller "hub" down under. Jay could ship them in bulk to each "hub" and they could be mailed out individually from there. All transactions could be handled through PayPal and the "hub owners" could pay for shipping costs and supplies for individual orders with a PayPal debit card (on the same account, of course) so it wouldn't cost them anything personally except the time investment.
First off, I think a great way to create our own CarcCentral store would to appoint someone very trustworthy to become the site store manager and treasurer. This should probably be a moderator, site owner, or someone else well-established.
With regards to 1., we do not have any mods or admins in the US.
Personally, I think this person could be anywhere in the world and a Mod or Admin would be an excellent choice. They could process orders and send the shipping addresses to the European and American "hubs".
We need someone willing to manage a future CarcCentral store service, a group of authors to sort through and find good expansion tiles for inclusion (and to organize them and clean them up well enough to aesthetically work with the official expansions)...
Definitely count me in! At the very least, I am willing to help with the selection process and anything I could do additionally to make it work. As to the former, I'm willing to be the U.S. "hub" if that's the way things pan out and that's how we decide to work it. I believe that you all will find me to be a man of integrity who can be trusted to do what we have suggested to the best of my ability. As to my availability, my wife and I work for a Christian children's home as live-in "parents". We live there with the children for two weeks and are off and at home for two weeks (unless we travel for some of it). I'm frequently bored while at home (thus the amount of time I have to devote to CC) and my wife has been suggesting I find some kind of hobby or get a part-time job or something to fill the extra time. I would love to do this! Keep in mind that I'd be unavailable for two weeks at a time, but almost completely available the opposite two weeks (Tuesday to Tuesday). The firewall on my computer at work limits me considerably. I'm surprised I'm able to access this site there and that could come to an end. I can't even receive my personal email there, but I have considered purchasing a wireless internet card for my laptop and having this responsibility might help make that decision. The longest someone would possibly have to wait to have their order shipped would be two weeks. However, we could make everyone aware of this at the beginning and I could keep some sets with me and ready to ship from the children's home in case of emergencies. If you all would be comfortable with this, I'm game!
If we're collecting authors, I think we should recruit Kevin Graham too.
Mods, if you decide to split this to a new thread, here is a good spot! As to which tiles we should submit:
I think it would be good to have a mixture of tiles with new rules and tiles that don't require rules.
I whole-heartedly agree with Scott. I believe there are two obvious choices. The first is Families/Family Feud. A 12-tile set of city tiles with red & yellow pennants would be very easy to do. They would introduce new rules, but very simple ones that don't require a lot of explanation and could easily offer some new tile arrangements with a more vanilla flavor, if you will, as Scott and Whaley seem to favor. Plus, it seems like an easy sell to HiG. I'd be surprised if Families (as we know it) wasn’t something that is sitting on one of their idea boards somewhere.
I like the idea of including some of the 1-tile expansions that Joff has been cranking out recently.
While my personal favorite single tile is Solazy's
Coliseum tile (though I've never been able to get a hold of him for permission to bring them here), Joff's Medieval expansion is the second obvious choice for me. I believe Joff's excellent work represents the quality that the folks here at CarcCentral can bring to the table. Each small expansion is simple to understand and people could pick and choose between them if they wanted. I would, however, suggest a few substitutions. I'm not sure four
Stocks tiles and three
Gallows tiles would best suit our purpose here, so I'd suggest just two of each. As a substitute, I'd like to see two
Lord of the Manor tiles (one city and one farm) added to it as well as the two
Cleric and Serf token/tiles (replacing one of the
Chivalry tiles) as the last two. Just my opinion… Perhaps it's too many new rules. It could just as easily be left alone.
My ideas are seldom perfect so another option might be for Gantry and Matthew to pick their 6 or so favorites and have the authors vote on them with discussion.
(Maybe an expansion with 6 gold mines and 6 something else.)
IMHO the perfect 6&6 expansion would be
Ghettos & Gold Mines. Maybe this could be our second offering if we get that chance.
Another idea I have for a subsequent offering (and maybe this would be better moved elsewhere) would be to offer “kits” to use with the two
Creativity tiles that Jay produced with the CS&C set. Since
Creativity is an RRG offering, I wonder if we might not even be able to bypass HiG on this one, though it doesn’t sound like it. Basically, we’d sell stickers of two-tile expansions that people could stick on their two blank tiles. We’d also include any meeples, chits, or tokens that might be necessary. These could include; JPutt’s excellent
Wizards and Witches expansion, the
Wormhole that JPutt and I are currently finishing up, any of Joff’s
Medieval expansions compressed to two tiles, the
Cleric & Serf token/tiles, the
Roman Road and Temple,
The Grim Reeple,
Lord of the Manor in two tiles,
The Pope of Avignon,
Drought and Pestilence in two tiles, as well as any number of our own, original, vanilla tile arrangements. We could also throw in a couple random tiles with any one of our “no-tile” expansions like two wheat-resource city tiles with chits and
Hog Roast, two tower base tiles with
The Black Tower, or a cloister and a shrine tile with
The Missionary.
There are my thoughts. If you’re actually still reading, my condolences and gratitude!