Hi all,
New player alert.
I've recently just ordered Carcassonne and two of its expansions I&Cs and T&Bs, although through this excellent site I have now had a chance to read over what some of the other expansions have to offer! Clearly some of you guys are long-term devotees to Carc, but one of the things I thought was missing from this site was a review or rating subforum which would cover the basic game and each of its expansions in one place. This was mainly from the perspective of helping new players get accustomed to Carc and perhaps offering some guidance as to what to start with for anyone looking to take the plunge. If such as thing does exist here, my apologies, I may have missed it during my travels!
Carc looks like an awesome game: seemingly simplistic to play, which is great for the wife and friends who aren't as geeky when it comes to gaming as myself, and yet devilishly strategic.
The other game I had considered purchasing at the time was Settlers of Catan. Do any of you play SoC? However, as Carc seemed more approachable and easy to learn for non-gamers and family, and it was recommended for 2-players, it won the battle.
Excellent site by the way!