Just wanted to give folks a heads-up. Been working on the layout for my strategy puzzles, it's kind of a work in progress. The reason I'm posting this is only because Matt & I have been saying that we'll have puzzles, and most of you probably don't have any idea what that means!
I thought this up in January, hopefully it will work out. While Natasha and I were playing one evening, it was her turn and she picked a tile and was thinking over where to place it. I knew there would be a couple of different places that she might want to put it, but it really depended on her overall strategy. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I could make something that would show:
- a partially-completed board layout, including meeples
- whose turn it is
- what tile they just pulled
- how many meeples they and their opponent have left
and give members an opportunity to look it over and give their suggestions as to what the best move is. Maybe "puzzle" isn't the right word, as there would be no right and wrong, but from the multitude of moves, what would be the "best" move?
I'm working on a way to create these right now, and have settled on using MS Publisher (yuck) because I can create a board template and layout to use for each puzzle, each game tile and meeple can be turned into an easy-to-paste Clipart object and rotated perfectly. Finally when the puzzle is done, I can just save the darn thing to a .jpg and post it in this forum!
For members to comment, there also needs to be a way for you to reference where the piece would go, and rotated to what degree. So every spot is numbered, and each of the 4 sides of the drawn tile is labelled with a letter A,B,C and D. Then it's just a matter of saying "I think D19 would be the spot because..."
So stay tuned, I'm working on a simple test puzzle for your feedback.