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Ok 1st and basic, a city CAN be scored EVEN if a Cathar tile is inthe city right!?!?
Yup, each tile scores 1 point instead of 2 when the city is scored, and double when the farm is scored.
2nd, If i use the Cloister(or Abbey) rules, and i take out one of MY follower, the city is now OPEN to everyone(if i have only 1 fellow in the city indeed). BUT, if the turn after i retake control of the city(that the Cloister purify!) do i score the full points??
Well, full points is still only 1 instead of 2, but otherwise yes, that's correct.
and 3rd... What will be the utility to "save" a follower with a cloister in a city assieged??
To get the follower back so you can put it in a different city, and so score 2 points per tile as usual.
finally, do RGG will ever reprint those (4)tiles in some-what-ever-way??
They never printed them at all! The Cathars comes from Spielbox magazine, who won't release the rights. The tiles may be reprinted at some point, but to be honest, I think it's unlikely.