Back again with another curious question.
We were playing with the Princess and Dragon expansion.
The question of the Dragon's Journey for Nom Noms arises. In the Rule book (V. 5.0B9) page 42-43 it states:
"The dragon always moves
six tiles, irrespective of the number of players, except in the case of a dead end. It
may not move onto a tile twice, and the tile occupied by the fairy is also off limits."
So does the first tile the dragon is sitting on counts as part of the journey in the sense that the dragon may not move back on it? I think it's safe to say that it can be established that the one that the dragon sits on before his 6 tile journey is not part of the 6 tile journey.
To attempt to clarify or confuse
, The scenario goes like this.
If the tiles were lined linearly like this -> [A] [ B ] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
The Dragon is chilling on tile [A] when a dragon tile is drawn thus making the dragon "be on the move". The Dragon moves to Tile [ B ] as the 1st of 6 tiles in his Journey. Can the next player move the Dragon to tile [A] and claim it as the 2nd tile of the 6 tile Journey and thus effectively shutting down the Dragon's journey (poor dragon) or is Tile [A] off limits and thus the 6 tile Journey will end at [G].
I hope this was clear! Thanks again for everyone's help!