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Author Topic: New World.. Anyone got answers?  (Read 14051 times)
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« on: February 20, 2012, 03:16:14 pm »

I've had my copy of New World ever since it was released in the UK... never played it... until this evening! As such was quite impressed, the surveyors certainly make it interesting. However, there's a few things in it that the rules don't make very clear, indeed, in some cases don't even mention.

Can anyone answer any of the following please:

1) The start/scoreboard is 10 tiles wide, so we played the game so that the entire gameworld stays within that 10 tile width up the table (East to West). It works but not sure if we were correct?

2) Given the above constraint - Roads and Towns that stop at 'Worlds End' can not be scored as complete, and only as incomplete at game end if meeples are still on them?

3) What happens if a surveyor should move forward but no tiles have been placed that far ahead?

And an observation - With two players the scoreboard is far to small... I went round it three or four times!! You really need and extra counter to take care or 0+, 50+, 100+... etc

Finally... Are there any annotated rules for this one... if so where?


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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 08:30:05 pm »

1) The rules don't say, which surprises me. I would expect that you can't play above or below the board, so don't put meeples on features that can't be completed. Realistically, you don't want people building too much in one area because the surveyors are on the move.

2) Yes, the imaginary edge of the world does not complete features so the should be scored as incomplete.

3) How can the surveyor move forward before a tile is placed ahead of him? If both surveyors are on the westernmost column and somebody scores, the surveyors don't move.

Hmm... my initial reaction was to recommend buying some more 50/100 tiles from Carcatronn, but he's out of stock. My second reaction is that the 50/100 tiles don't really fit the theme of the game. I'll have to see if I can find time to whip something up later this week.

There is no annotated rules document for New World. I think this is the first (or at least one of the first) questions we've had about New World.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 08:37:20 pm by Scott » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 09:06:52 pm »

I actually took part in most of the rules discussions on BGG concerning this game.  My opinion is; they rushed this game at HiG and at RGG.

To answer your questions based on what I remember.

1) There is nothing in the rules to limit north and south placement.

2) Correct.

3) The Surveyors can't move forward with no tiles West of it. Which also has the side effect of not forcing a meeple left behind check since they didn't move.

So lets look at where questions 1 and 3 actually interact and make the game interesting.  The Surveyors have to move forward so that you can pick up meeples behind the last column they are in.  This produces a two fold strategy.

1) You build west quickly to force early scoring and cause your opponents meeples to be picked up before they can score.

2) You build north and south to slow down the Surveyors so you can collect points before the Surveyors can move West.

Makes for a very interesting quandary.  Which player adopts which strategy and when? That also means that high scoring games are only possible if all players play the same exact north/south strategy.  Odds of that happening are very slim.  So high scoring games shouldn't be the norm.

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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2012, 12:41:30 am »

Building only (or mostly) North and South is a very bad strategy, because everytime something is complete there's the check and all meeple in the East of the surveyors have to go home, even if the surveyors can't move. The only strategy for building in the East is complete some incomplete buildings quickly, otherwise most of your work is in vain.

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« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2012, 09:59:25 am »

I've had my copy of New World ever since it was released in the UK... never played it... until this evening! As such was quite impressed, the surveyors certainly make it interesting. However, there's a few things in it that the rules don't make very clear, indeed, in some cases don't even mention.

I just got this for my birthday and have only played it 3 times. The first time with 5 people and twice since then with just 2 people. It plays fairly fast. There are more tiles than a basic game of Carc but it plays faster - I believe because of the surveyor mechanic. You are looking more for quick scores with surveyors instead of battling for some large city or trying to complete a cloister, etc. The quick play actually makes it a good warm-up game for us.

Can anyone answer any of the following please:

1) The start/scoreboard is 10 tiles wide, so we played the game so that the entire gameworld stays within that 10 tile width up the table (East to West). It works but not sure if we were correct?

2) Given the above constraint - Roads and Towns that stop at 'Worlds End' can not be scored as complete, and only as incomplete at game end if meeples are still on them?

We noticed that the rules did not limit the placing of tiles to the north or south, nor could it really be assumed since there is no mention and no examples. So we've been playing that you can place tiles freely. If there is a north/south boundary you could easily play tiles defensively on other players’ features that force the feature to the edge of the world. An open road segment or city segment placed smartly on an opponent’s feature would stop him from completing the feature. Also, you would have to consider that the northern-most and southern-most rows of tiles inbounds would be useless to deploy a farmer (cloister) as you couldn’t complete the feature out of bounds. These would all be conditions placed on the game which are not intended as the rules are written.

3) What happens if a surveyor should move forward but no tiles have been placed that far ahead?

The rules are a little fuzzy regarding when the settlers left behind are removed. It first states that “whenever the eastern-most surveyor is moved” you remove the lagging settlers. But what happens if the surveyors cannot move? Fortunately, there is this clarifying sentence which answers the question indirectly: “A player may place a settler on a just-placed tile in columns “east” of the surveyors, but it is dangerous as such a settler (not a trapper) will be removed immediately after the next scoring!”  This indicates that the removal of settlers is not necessarily tied to the movement of the surveyor and that the settlers are removed on a scoring, whether or not the surveyors can move. It does seem hasty that this wasn't resolved more clearly in the rules prior to publishing.

We have reasoned that if you only remove followers when surveyors are moved you could easily break the game by laying tiles only to the north and south – and to the east – literally around and behind the scoreboard. Since it cannot be the intent of the game to thwart the surveyor mechanic it holds that settlers are to be removed on a scoring even if the surveyor cannot move.

And an observation - With two players the scoreboard is far to small... I went round it three or four times!! You really need and extra counter to take care or 0+, 50+, 100+... etc

The scoring was fairly high in all three games I played with the markers going around the board at least three times. We did find it cumbersome having to lay the marker meeple first on his back, then on his side, then on his feet again to indicate what lap he was on. I'll probably resort to using my d6 method on the scoring track for future games. In Carc we use d6’s for our scoring markers. Each color has its own d6 on the track. We start the game with the 6 side up. When we complete the first lap we flip it to the 1 side up – indicating we have one lap completed, and so on for each lap. Works perfectly.

Here's a screenshot of the surveyor rules.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 10:05:32 am by Carcking » Logged

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2012, 10:24:14 am »

I just got this for my birthday and have only played it 3 times.

That's three more times than me. I would consider yourself fortunate to have people that will actually play with you.

The scoring was fairly high in all three games I played with the markers going around the board at least three times. We did find it cumbersome having to lay the marker meeple first on his back, then on his side, then on his feet again to indicate what lap he was on. I'll probably resort to using my d6 method on the scoring track for future games. In Carc we use d6’s for our scoring markers. Each color has its own d6 on the track. We start the game with the 6 side up. When we complete the first lap we flip it to the 1 side up – indicating we have one lap completed, and so on for each lap. Works perfectly.

Interesting addition of dice to the game without using them as a randomizer. I wonder if the purists will accept it?


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« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2012, 11:00:06 am »

Crikey, cracking quick responses there chaps - Thanks for that.

Regards the surveyors and no tiles to move to rules... I think I like the idea of no tiles, no movement, so no remove option best.

Incomplete at game world edge is I suppose fairly logical as it fits in with all the other Carcassonne games.

Afdter I wrote last nights bit, my wife and I sat and discussed it somemore (well, laid actually cos it was fairly late!). We came to the conclusion that sticking to the confines of the ten tile width was best for a number of reasons:

1) It makes for a very fast moving game.
2) Forces the surveyors up the board, so you have to act fast with builds.
3) ...and this one is quite important - It makes the game a lot different to normal Carcassonne. To our mind there is no point buying a game thats going to be the same as one you've already got!

We also concluded that although the rules could have done with a bit more thought, it's actually a very good game. Might have another go tonight.


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« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2012, 11:49:08 am »

I just received the Dutch version of this game (999 Games). In the Dutch rules it actually says you can't build anything out of the width of the scoreboard.

The rest of the rules are pretty much the same as Standard Carcassonne, but that whole part about the surveyors is really confusing. To me, at least Wink

Also, the tiles don't fit in the designated slot. I have like 70 tiles in smaller opening in the box and the rest in the big slot, with the bag of meeples.

The rules also state there should be 90 tiles, but I have 96 (including one Blank Tile for whatever reason).
Skull One

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« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2012, 01:50:40 pm »

I just received the Dutch version of this game (999 Games). In the Dutch rules it actually says you can't build anything out of the width of the scoreboard.

I always wondered if that was the original intent!  I just checked RGG and they haven't posted an update to the original rules sadly.

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« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2012, 04:52:42 pm »

I just received the Dutch version of this game (999 Games). In the Dutch rules it actually says you can't build anything out of the width of the scoreboard.

The rules also state there should be 90 tiles, but I have 96 (including one Blank Tile for whatever reason).

Firstly, thanks for that... pretty much decides that then. Excellent, we got it right!

Regards number of tiles, English rules state 95... and yes you get a blank 96th.

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2012, 01:20:21 am »

Was just about to turn in for the night and remembered I promised some 50/100 scoring tiles. This week is going to be very busy for me so it was either now or much later. Whipped up some scoring tiles in about 15 minutes using the box divider and our good friend the official Carcassonne font: Barbedour.;sa=view;down=158


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« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2012, 05:17:31 am »

Nice work Scott!

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2012, 09:24:37 am »

Thanks, I also just now submitted it to BGG. I don't like to post everything there, but it's good to have a few things there to help drive traffic back to here.


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« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2012, 12:50:34 pm »

Man, a CAR for New World would be nice...anyone up to the task?? Help

Just played my first game of this last night and was on here and BGG approximately every 10 minutes trying to figure out one thing or another (including surveyor movement, placing settlers to the east of the surveyors, etc.).  It would be great to have one resource to answer the questions instead of answers buried within numerous threads (such as Khonnor83's insightful posting re: Dutch rules on playing within the 10 tile confined space).
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