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Author Topic: New poster - with wagon question  (Read 4567 times)
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« on: January 02, 2008, 09:25:01 am »

Hi there -
This is my first post!  I guess you could call us a non-gaming family. I love games, and the kids (9 and 6) but my husband... not so much.  In fact it was pulling teeth to get him to play any games... until Carcassonne.  Not only will he play, but he will suggest it!  We've played at least once a week, often several times, since we got it about a year ago.  We have the River 2, Traders and Builders, Count (which we actually have never used) and just got the Abbey and Mayor.  We play with the 4 points per city 'won' by the most farmers version of the rules.
With the Abbey and Mayor, we haven't used the barn (primarily because we use the 'incorrect' farm rules).  We 'markered up' the top half of the Mayor because it was hard to tell him from the other pieces, and have found that the Mayor has inspired city stealing strategies that we hadn't used before!
OK... here is my question.  With the wagon, what is the correct interpretation of the rules (and does anyone play a variation of those rules) on where the wagon can drive to. 
1) Can the wagon only go to an attached incomplete feature, or can a wagon travel through a completed feature to get to an incomplete feature (both in real rules, and how you play)
2) If the tile placement completes two incomplete features, can you move to the second one and claim it at the same time? (i.e. the final road piece is also the last piece to surround the cloister)

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 07:59:19 pm »

1) According to the rules, the feature you are moving to must be directly adjacent, so no travelling through completed features. If this were to be allowed, it would almost be possible to travel to any incomplete feature unless the path was blocked by an opponent (or one of your own meeples). Even with such a restriction in place, it might be a little too unbalanced.

2) Also according to the rules, the feature you are moving to must be incomplete. Since the wagon moves after scoring, the second feature is considered to be complete even if it was not occupied. You could still get the points, though, if you had a spare meeple to place on the second feature before scoring occurs.

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