Today I was finally able to download the Winter Edition and I must say, most of the graphics looks nice and cute. Especially the snowy cloisters and the towns are great. But I also dislike the computer generated backgrounds. These backgrounds does not fit to the other graphics.
And second:
IMHO, it would have been nice to have some 'bleed' between the tiles
I also think so. But it turns out that's not a big problem. I edited the PDFs with Foxit Reader and retrieve all single tiles. The tiles have a good quality (802x802pixel/24bit). As usual I arranged all tiles in a Word document with a little space between the tiles and 24 tiles per page (every tile I resized with a macro exactly to a dimension of 4,5 cm x 4,5 cm). This saves a little money when you're printing out the tiles in a copy shop on a professional laser printer. And it makes full use of the stickers that were used for printing. And you only have one file (three pages).