Well I finally got around to taking pictures and tallying up the final score, though the tiles aren't away yet lol.
This is what 432 tiles looks like on my table(i included the past two nights as well). I need a few more full sets to completely cover my table i guess, I could do a calculation ... I WILL do a calculation to see how many tiles i need to fill the table.
Score and player cards before game end tally.
Largest city.
Longest road.
Highest scoring farm countup.
King count.
Robber count.
The final score. I forgot to include the castle farming in the score, my bad.
The weird thing about a game this long is what happened to the low scorer in this game, it is so long that you can just forget about farming because the end is so far off for so long and end up with out enough tiles to backdoor your way into a farm.
Our son holding on to his big meeple waiting for "just the right time" to place it!