Finishing this brief series of expansions, I give to you an expansion based on Carcassonne: The Discovery. The mechanics of that expansion were simple enough, and so too will be this expansion...
The Settlers: Cities are not settled and expanded by the thousands but by the dozens. As such, the earliest medieval settlers of Carcassonne were few in number, and so too will you be.
Set up: Each player takes four followers into hand. A fifth follower will be used for the score board.
Deploy or Scoring Phase: Unlike the usual game, players must choose whether they will deploy a new follower on the tile just placed, or score for a follower on the board. Deploying followers follows all the usual rules. If a player chooses to score instead, they may remove one follower off the board and score for it immediately. Cloisters score 1 point for each adjacent tile (including its own); Cities score 1 point for each tile and 1 for each pennant; Roads score 1 point per segment; and Farms score 2 points per completed adjacent city. These features are not considered complete and can be claimed again on a subsequent turn. Features that are completed are scored at the normal values with Farms scoring at the end of the game.
Small Features: Smaller features core fewer points. This helps balance the scoring of the game. Two-tile cities score 2 points. Two-tile roads score 1 point. Three-tile (or two-tile) Cloisters score 1 point less. Farms remain unaffected.
Majority Rules: Features are much easier to claim and reclaim in this expansion, and as such there can be no majority rules. Each follower is treated as its own figure. While a follower may not be placed on the same feature as another follower, when two features are combined any followers on that feature are unaffected by the other followers. Thus, if a player has two followers and an opponent has one on a city, the first player may remove each follower at their leisure and still score the full points.
Final Scoring: At the end of the game, all features are scored as per usual. Farms are scored normally with each completed adjacent city earning 3 points.
I think this is the last one for a while. I incorporated elements of
A New World into my
Reconquest of Gaul expansion and elements of
Ark of the Covenant and
Hunters & Gatherers in my
Temples & Relics expansion