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Author Topic: FORUM & SITE GUIDELINES & RULES  (Read 10407 times)
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« on: February 26, 2007, 05:28:49 am »

** Note that this is a work in progress, I'm working on shortening this section ** - Gantry  Smiley

Welcome to the Carcassonne Central forums and web site!  Please take a moment to read these very important site guidelines and rules.

1. Site Disclaimer

This site nor the information contained herein, even though it may be authored by external parties, does not necessarily represent the views of Gantry and Matt, nor should we be held responsible for anything posted or contained herein.

2. Notice to Parents

This web site and forum are intended to be a family-friendly place!  We feel that gaming is an integral part of a healthy family lifestyle and will do everything we can within reason to maintain this environment as family-friendly.  However, we do recommend that you observe and monitor your children's online activity at all times, including their activity on this site.

3. Member Behaviour

First and foremost, this is a family-friendly gaming community.  Racism in any form will not be tolerated.  Do not threaten to physically harm other members.  Respect the administrators and moderators.  If you have a problem with a moderator or administrator action, discuss it privately in a PM.  Keep your posts respectful of other members, the site and forums, moderators and administrators.  Keep your language clean, no flaming, flamebaiting and personal attacks against any member or any company.  Nicknames that we feel are inflammatory, vulgar, promotional or rude will be removed.  Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and remember that young people might be reading your posts.

4. Search Before You Post

Before you post, please do a Search with a few keywords in case someone else has already asked the same question.

5. Posting Personal Information

In keeping with item #2, please make sure that you and your children do not post personal or personally-identifying information in your profile unless you are certain that it is permissible to make public.  These forums, including your profile, are available freely on the Internet and are accessible to search engines.  Also, you are not permitted to post personal information such as real names and photographs of others without their express written permission.

6. Freedom of Speech Rights Do Not Apply Here

This is not a democracy.  If an administrator or moderator feels your post is unacceptable, then he or she has the right to edit or delete your posts. Please remember that this is a family-friendly gaming environment, please keep your posts courteous and on-topic.

7. Post in the Right Place

Please make sure you are posting in the correct forum. Please read the forum descriptions on the main forum page and post in the appropriate place. Posts in the wrong subforum will be moved by a forum moderator. Do not attempt to cross-post to different forums just to gain more attention.

8. Thread Hijacking

Not allowed. If you accidentally happen to post something off-topic, it will probably be left alone, but blatant thread hijacking is not permitted. Start your own thread if you want to discuss something.

9. Signatures Limitations

Text sigs may not exceed a font size of more than 14 pixels or points. Text sigs may not exceed more than 4 lines of text with or without an image. Image sigs must not exceed 100 KB, may only be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format only, and must not exceed 250 pixels high by 500 pixels wide.

10. Language Filters

In general, very few words are censored out. If you notice that words in your post were censored, do not attempt to evade this censor. Do not use the forums to test for censored words.

11. Business Advertising

Do not place any post any business or advertisement in these forums. This goes for any type of business.  If you want to place business advertising, please contact one of the administrators.  Other types of related advertising not allowed includes pyramid schemes, referral schemes, chain letters or spammers.  You may also not include links to such advertising or schemes in your sig.

12. Account Registration

Your account must have a valid email address.  Do not attempt to sign up with multiple accounts, or with fake email addresses.  You must use your own account to make posts, and likewise, do not allow others to post using your account.  Families are encouraged to sign up for an account for each member.  If you are having a problem with your account, let one of the administrators know and we will gladly help you out right away.

13. Pornographic and Copyrighted Material

Pornographic images or links to them are strictly prohibited.  Do not attempt to post any kind of link to adult content, including model or swimsuit sites, or any discussion of such sites or images.  Do not post information about or links to illegal activities of any kind.  If you attempt to post unlawful material, all of your information will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Copyrighted material may not be posted without consent from the original owner. You are, however, allowed to post copyrighted material that is covered under the Federal law regarding fair use, 17 USCS 107. The individual posting the copyrighted material is solely responsible for the legality issues, and the staff, administrators and owners of Carcassonne Central are not responsible for the unlawful actions of others. We will, however, do our best to make sure all things are in compliance with applicable copyright laws.  If there is a question about posted material, we will be happy to address it and take action as appropriate.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 05:31:34 pm by Gantry » Logged

Have ideas for Carc Central?  PM me!
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