My friend and I made a new expansion for Carcassonne (specifically for use with the Traders and Builders expansion), called The Prayer Labyrinth, based on this idea:'ve attached the rules as a .pdf, using the template found on this site. Wouldn't take my attachment, first saying it was too big, then saying it was already posted. Anyway, here it is, sans pics and formatting:
A Carcassonne Central expansion by Josh Gaudreau and Caleb Wong
Two famous prayer labyrinths have been set up in Carcassonne, and pilgrims from all across the land travel to them to make prayers and leave offerings.
Two Prayer Labyrinth tiles, one completely surrounded by city, and one completely surrounded by field with a road leading out of it. This expansion may be used with only the base game, but requires the Traders and Builders expansion in order to be fully played.
Shuffle the prayer labyrinth tiles in with the base Carcassonne tiles.
1. Place a tile
The tiles are placed according to the normal rules of the game.
2. Deploy a follower
The follower is placed according to the normal rules of the game. If placed on the labyrinth itself, the follower becomes a Pilgrim.
3. Score
The prayer labyrinth is scored the same way as a cloister: when it is completely surrounded on all sides, including the corners. The player scores 9 points and takes their follower back. At this time, however, if the player has any goods from the Traders and Builders expansion, he or she may leave a good in the center of the labyrinth tile. If so, that player scores an additional 9 points. That good is no longer included as one of that players collected goods at the end of the game.
4. Additional Scoring
Any players may make an additional score of 9 points once a Prayer Labyrinth has been completed. In order to do this, they must have an available good from the Traders and Builders expansion, and have a follower on a connected feature to the Prayer Labyrinths (e.g. a thief on the road or a farmer on the field or a knight in the same city). Once per turn, instead of placing a follower as normal, they can move one of their followers from the connected feature into the labyrinth, leaving a good in the center of the tile. The player immediately takes their follower back into their supply, and scores 9 points. The good must be left on the Prayer Labyrinth tile, and is no longer included as one of that players collected goods at the end of the game.
5. Final Scoring
As with cloisters, completed prayer labyrinths are not scored at the end of the game, but any uncompleted Prayer Labyrinths score one point per surrounding tile (including the actual labyrinth tile).
Traders and Builders: See above rules. Builders and Pigs may not be placed as a follower on the Labyrinth.
The Count of Carcassonne: Any follower on the Cathedral part of Carcassonne city may be moved to a completed Prayer Labyrinth and scored provided that the player does not play a follower on any tile that turn, and that the player has a good from the Traders and Builders expansion to leave on the tile. The follower is returned to the player and the good remains on the tile. It is no longer included as one of that players collected goods at the end of the game. A player may only make this action once per turn. This may also be done during the final scoring at the end of the game, following all the other rules for the Count of Carcassonne expansion.
Abby and Mayor: The Mayor may not be placed as a follower on the Labyrinth.
Cult, Siege and Creativity: The Prayer Labyrinth does not compete with the cults; the two may be placed beside each other with no negative affect for either. Knights may not flee from a besieged city to a Prayer Labyrinth.
Wheel of Fortune: Pilgrims are not scored by the Inquisition.
We've playtested it a bunch of times, and it seems to work well (like the cloisters, the earlier they're drawn the better they are). Doesn't drastically change the game, but adds a nice bit of variation, especially if used with the Count expansion.
If anyone has any suggestions or questions, I'd love to hear them!
Sorry if this posts multiple times, it kept rejecting my file attachments as too big, but then saying I posted it already when I tried it with a smaller file. I've had a rough time trying to post it.