I'm posting this in the main forum, rather than the one for admins, because I think everyone should be able to contribute.
Okay, in at the deep end.
As most of you know, the forum was down for an extended period of time at the start of the year. Gantry was (understandably and regrettably) not about, and I have no idea about the technical side of things here. So the forum lay broken for several months. Gantry came back and fixed it, and then the plan was that I should take over the whole site, technical stuff and all, to prevent that from happening again.
The problem is that I still have no idea about the technical side, nor am I likely to ever be in a position to reliably 'look after' the site as it needs. I simply don't have the energy to learn everything I need to—and what energy I have for Carcassonne (it waxes and wanes, as I'm sure you've noticed) really needs to go into the CAR.
So as far as I can see, we have three choices at the moment:
A) sit and wait for the next crash;
B) get someone else involved to run the technical side;
C) move somewhere else.
Like it or not, we've really been doing A) up to now. B) is fine—are there any takers? But I'd like to kick around C) for a while.
I've recently spent a bit of time on
Wikia, with sites like those for Dragon Age, The Witcher or Mass Effect (hmm, guess what I've been playing recently). The sites work. They look modern. They're wikis. And one could easily be set up for Carcassonne.
Quite apart from the emotional attachment people have to CarcassonneCentral, there would be quite a lot of work involved in moving. We have a great deal of content here, and most of it should be taken with us. But staying would also involve a lot of work, just of a different kind. And because Wikia is a wiki, the work could be more evenly distributed.
I don't want this to come across like a prophet of doom, or a rat leaving a sinking ship. But we really do need to consider the future seriously, and prepare for it properly.