Well my prize arrived yesterday, a nice new copy of The City complete in its wooden box. All looks very good with 75 tiles and loads a wooden pieces. The meeple look like "attack of the coneheads".
So last night me and a freind set out to play a few games. First game made one mistake when placing towers but apart from that it went well. After that we got it right as the rules are nice and straightforward, just have to remember to call them markets not farms
The mechanics of the game is much like Carc in the tile laying process and then add the walls each time someone scores, but only when using the 2nd and 3rd tile stacks !!! Confused, trust me it makes sense when you play it.
It s a quick game, only lasting around 45 minutes so dont plana whole evening around one game.
One thing we noticed in each game we played was that once you are able to put guards on the walls everyones staregy changes and scoring becomes almost non-existant until the end scores as each player attempts to have their guards controlling even longer and longer rows of the city without the walls shutting them off.
I'll write and post up a game synopsis so that you all get an idea of how the whole games goes, then maybe it can be added to the game overviews section.
It was good fun and I enjoyed playing it and will keep playing it probably when a long game doesnt seem like a good idea.
Thanks to Fun Game Cafe and the guys here for the prize, funny I used to live a couple of miles away from the store and never knew it existed !