Wow indeed. You completed my Vanilla project. Thank you! I know you didn't realize that you did, but it's done now. I guess I can delete my database. lol. Merit for you!
Hey, Vanilla was one of the pages that I cut and pasted from, many thanks! If your database is in electronic form, I'd be mighty curious to see it to compare with mine (which is just pencil+paper). If you wouldn't mind, could you send it to me, at my userid at gmail? That would be awesome, thanks!
As far as I know (not that familiar with gimp) you can't extract a layer if it won't open so your best shot is probably to use a hex editor, and depending on how much of the file, and where in the file it is corrupt you may be able to salvage at least part of it.
I was afraid of that... I'll go fiddle with a hex editor. It doesn't look good though. There were only nine tiles on that page so perhaps I'll just make them again. And there are a few more I've thought of that I want to make.
WOW! Just out of curiosity how long did all that take from epiphany to final product?
Well from the epiphany I then spent some time discovering this site, BoardGameGeek, and others, and finding all the fan-made expansions I could and making a few test tiles. Then I starting working with the PDFs I could find (Vanilla, MathGuy89, MathGuyGamma, etc) since they all have the same resolution, sizing, etc, and piecing bits together. As to making the actual tiles, gosh, a few weeks of fiddling around for an hour or two a day, I think. It really depends on the tile, too - sometimes a tile is just a mirror image of another, sometimes it's just adding a road to another, and sometimes one tile takes an hour of fiddling - the trickier city ones come to mind. Once you get going and you have all the "pieces" it gets fast. And of course I got better as I went along, got used to GIMP, etc.