Merit: 6
Posts: 228
« on: November 24, 2009, 05:36:07 pm » |
Howdy all! I just want to say this site is fantastic. I've been following it for a little while now and recently started trying out some of your fantastic expansions. None of those I ever get a chance to play Carcassonne with are ever as intense about it as I am (no mega carc games with my friends  ). We ususally end up playing one big expansion and maybe one or two small ones when I can slip them in. But as I'm recently getting into some of the great fan made expansions from this site I wanted to try and merge this interest with the one-expansion-at-a-time type of game play I ususally get to play. In so doing I was wondering if there is any sort of list on this site showing which of the many expansions are unique and which expand other existing official expansions. Some I have identified would be Duel Dragons or Dragon Hunters to expand P&D or Jester and Minstrel to expand The Catapult. Are there other expansion specific fan mades I could try. They just seem to be the easiest ones to get my non gaming wife and friends to try. Baby steps...baby steps...and someday I just might get that game of mega carc.
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2009, 07:10:35 pm » |
someday I just might get that game of mega carc.
Don't wait too long. Hans im Glück/Rio Grande have a rate of about one major and one minor expansion a year nowadays. HiG already basically told me that they are announcing Expansion 8 in February (at the Nürnberg Game Fair) which means that is at least one thing that will get added to a mega game soon. I'm sure Spielbox or someone else will release another small expansion too next year. You got to jump on the mega Carc game quick or it may get too MEGA!
'There is no place in a fanatic's head where reason can enter'. - Napoleon Bonaparte I, Emperor of the French (1804-1814, 1815)
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 32
Posts: 1807
Pigs are meeple too!
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2009, 11:20:46 pm » |
Well, I don't know if there are any/many that fit exactly what you're describing, but there are a few you could try. The closest to what I think you are describing would be any of the "Trader" expansions. These offer a few new tiles with new trade goods (and in some cases, only new chits) to expand upon the Traders & Builders expansion.
As far as other expansions that would be easy to incorporate, I think you, and you wife might enjoy some of the small one or two tile expansions like any of Joff's Medieval expansions, the Tournament tiles, Scott's Lord of the Manor, or my own The King's Gate. Any or all of those could be added with little difficulty to learn. Some larger ones might be the Vanilla expansion (very easy as it's just new tiles), Family Feud, meepleater's Wells, or jputt's Fortune Teller.
With meeple expansions, it just depends on what you can come up with, but the Leper is quite easy to add and I enjoy playing with The Missionary. That's another one of mine, and probably not "easy", but I play it all the time now and really enjoy it. Hope this helps.
Flee the fleas!
Merit: 20
Posts: 628
Some people finish stuff, others d
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 12:56:10 am » |
There is outposts for P&D, Black Tower for the Tower expansion, Three Musketeers for A&M. I agree with CKorfmann about other easy expansions to include, another such one would be Mills and Bakeries by jputt, and Trading Posts is also good (and quite popular), although that requires extra meeples (it also isn't an original carc central expansion).
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2009, 03:08:57 am » |
Although not absolutely essential, my Jousting Tournament will work better when combining it with the Abbey and Mayor expansion.
Kevin Graham's Trading Posts is my favourite fan-made expansion to add to games, in fact we rearly play a game without including the trading post pieces. It works pretty well and has no complicated rules (or extra tiles for that matter).
Merit: 6
Posts: 228
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2009, 10:10:21 am » |
Thanks very much for all your suggestions. These will give me a great start. I've read up on most of these now and agree that trading posts and some of those other small number of tile exansions should be just the ticket.
There was a comment about the "Trader" expansions. I've seen a lot of those, but several are specifically for the Fisherman, Forests and Mountains expansions which might be a bit much for my friends to swallow at this point. So a couple questions there would be...
1. Are there any "Trader" expansions thats just add more trade goods to be used right along with Traders and Builders?
2. Which "Trader" expansions don't require those large fan mades mentioned above?
Thanks so much for all your suggestions.
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 32
Posts: 1807
Pigs are meeple too!
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 12:39:50 pm » |
Yes, there are three. Fruit Traders adds 6 tiles and pineapple trade goods. Cocoa Traders adds just 5 cocoa trade goods, and Foreign Traders adds tiles that allow you to take trade goods. If you have (or can get an extra pig) you can use the Hog Roast expansion which I believe works with Traders & Builders and uses wheat tokens.
Also, the Roman Road and Roman Temple expanions is just two tiles and is used with Inns & Cathedrals.
Flee the fleas!

Merit: 30
Posts: 327
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2009, 01:18:08 pm » |
Other expansions that use traded goods tokens include Apothecries and Tithes(adds 8 herb tokens and 24 land tiles), Mills and Bakeries(adds 10 baked goods tokens and 15 land tiles), Lavender Fields(adds 12 Bee Tokens and 12 land tiles), Gold Mines(adds 12 gold tokens and 12 land tiles), and Cleric & Serf(adds 14 cloister tokens and 10 lands). My favorite of these is Lavender Fields.
Duke Chevalier
Merit: 32
Posts: 1807
Pigs are meeple too!
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2009, 03:22:25 pm » |
Yeah, I thought about those, but left them out because they work independently from the trade goods in Traders & Builders (right?), whereas the ones I listed work together with them. I did mean to recommend Gold Mines, but forgot. The cloister tokens in Cleric & Serf, if I'm not mistaken, only serve to count completed cloisters. However, you do get points for having them, so I guess they still count.
Flee the fleas!
Merit: 6
Posts: 228
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2009, 03:26:27 pm » |
Thanks for your suggestions. I haven't had any time of late to get these made but as soon as I do I'll be trying out a few of these. I actually used my two creativity tiles some time ago and made something basically like the Kings Gate so I guess I've tried that one. We also tried two tiles with roads disappearing into tunnels to be one road whenever it came up but I guess theres the spielbox Tunnels expansion now which took that same idea and pumped it full of steroids.