Thus, I re-write my summary:
0) Pre-Draw:
— Buy back imprisoned followers
1) Draw Tile
— Resolve Wheel
2) Place Tile
— Use catapult
— Move Dragon
3) Deploy Follower; or:
— Place Large Follower, Builder, Pig, Barn, Wagon, or Mayor
— Move the fairy
— Place follower in City of Carcassonne
— Place follower on Wheel
— Bump follower using Princess
— Build a Tower
4) Score completed items and return follower(s); and/or:
— Move Followers from City of Carcassonne (optional)
— Collect Trade tokens
5) Returning Scored Followers:
— Move wagon
— Initiate second draw phase with Builder
Next player begins turn (rinse, lather, repeat)
That summary is much closer but still has an issue. In your step 3 you have:
— Bump follower using Princess
That step is actually done during your Step 2, before catapult and dragon. And if the power was used (and you can not choose not to use it), you must skip your Step 3. Please reference Big Box 2 rules page 10 from RGG Princess:
When a player draws and places a princess tile, he places it following the normal rules. If he places the tile so that
it adds to a city with one or more knights, he must return one of those knights to its player (his choice, and he
may choose a large or normal sized follower).
In this case, he may not place a follower (or any other figure) on
this tile, even on the field or the road. If he removes the last knight from the city that has a builder of the same
color, he removes the builder, as well. If he places the tile so that it adds to an empty city, or only starts a new city,
he may place a follower (or other figure) in the normal ways.
You may also reference CAR v5.0b6 page 39 -
If a knight is removed from the city, the player may not deploy or move any other figure
(follower, builder, pig or fairy).That note from CAR should also include tower pieces since it explicitly lists the fairy, so there is no additional confusion.