In an attempt to have some division of labour concerning the new expansion I'd like to suggest the following:
- General discussion (RGG, the book and so on) should take place in the original thread.
- Suggestions for FAQ should be posted here
- Discussion of the translation of the rules themselves should take place in this thread.
So, here's a first run at a translation of the rules. This one is a real pain
Please take a look at the Translation issues section at the bottom, and let me know what you think.
The Wheel of Fate tile is placed in the middle of the table. The pig of fate should be placed on the Fortune section of the wheel, its nose point to the right. This tile is also the starting tile, which land tiles must be connected to at the beginning of the game (and may be later as well). All land segments on this tile count towards scoring as usual.
Play1a) The player must draw a new land tile. If a tile with a wheel of fate icon is drawn, the appropriate actions are performed (see below).
1b) The player must place the land tile.
2 Deploy a followerIf a player has not placed a follower on a land tile, he or she may place one follower on a any free crown spot on the Wheel of Fate. No more than one follower may be placed on a crown spot.
Wheel of Fate tilesWhen a player draws a land tile with a coloured wheel of fate icon (1) (2) (3), it should be placed in front of him- or herself. Then the following actions occur:
1) the pig of fate is moved around the wheel a corresponding number of times.
2) the events of the Wheel of Fate are performed
3) followers on crown spots are scored and returned
4) the land tile is placed and a follower may be deployed (in other words, the turn continues as normal)
1) Move the pigThe player moves the pig forward as many wheel segments as the number on the tile which was drawn. The pig is always moved clockwise around the wheel.
2) Perform EventsThe Wheel of Fate has six segments. Each represents a distinct action. Only the segment on which the pig ended its movement is activated. The Fortune event affects only the player whose turn it is, while the others affect all players.
FortuneThe player whose turn it receives 3 points.
TaxesEvery player receives points for each of his or her knights. Every knight receives as many points as there are pennants in the city plus the number of knights belonging to the player in that same city.
Example: Blue receives for each knight 2(knight) + 2 (pennants) = 4 points, or 2x4 = 8 points altogether. Red receives 1 (knight) + 2 (pennants) = 3 points.
FamineFor each of his or her farmers, every player receives 1 point for every completed city adjacent to the farm (in the same way as farms are scored during final scoring).
Stormy WeatherEvery player receives 1 point for every follower currently in his or her supply.
InquisitionEvery player receives 2 points for each monk.
PlagueEvery player must return 1 follower to his or her supply. Followers may not be removed from a crown spot. The player whose turn it is removes a follower first, and the other players follow in a clockwise order.
3) Score followers on crown spots.Now the crown spots in the active segment are scored. Followers on crown spots which the pig passed are not scored and remain where they are.
- a follower which stands on the only crown spot in a segment scores 3 points.
- a follower which stands alone on a crown spot in a segment with two spots scores 6 points.
- if two followers are stood in a segment with two spots, each follower scores 3 points—even if both followers belong to the same player.
After the points have been allocated, followers are returned to their owners.
4) Complete the turnNow the player whose turn it is may place the land tile and deploy a follower to it as he or she wishes. The follower may also be deployed (again) to a crown spot on the Wheel of Fate.
Translation issues:
i) pig of fate - we need to distinguish between this pig and other pigs somehow... Fate's Pig? The Pig of Fate? The Pink Porker?
ii) Wheel of Fate - the big tile (capitals?) / wheel of fate icon - the symbols on tiles (no capitals)
iii) crown spot - what on earth can we call that?
iv) Anyone know what the proper word for sections between spokes of a wheel is?
v) The division between 1a and 1b sections of play seems to be useful, even outside of this expansion - should I correct the main rules to reflect that? Are we going to accord this a similar status to the Big Box, or is it more like an expansion, and the 1a 1b distinction should only be mentioned in the rules for this set only?