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Author Topic: Member Groups / Status Levels  (Read 11989 times)
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« on: July 01, 2009, 02:45:54 pm »

In the wake of the post-count scandal, I decided to have a mess around with the various status levels which users can be ascribed. Here's the new system (orange for statuses represented by meeples, red for those with builder icons, and purple for those with counts):

Vagabond - 0
Cottager - 10 (+10)
Villein - 25 (+15)
Freeman - 45 (+20)
Vassal - 70 (+25)
Nobleman - 100 (+30)

Duke - 150 (+50)
Count - 250 (+100)
Marquis - 400 (+150)
Viscount - 600 (+200)
Baron - 850 (+250)
Chatelain - 1150 (+300)

Duke Chevalier - 1500 (+350)
Count Chevalier - 1900 (+400)
Marquis Chevalier - 2350 (+450)
Viscount Chevalier - 2850 (+500)
Baron Chevalier - 3400 (+550)
Chatelain Chevalier - 4000 (+600)
Chatelain Officier - 4650 (+650)
Chatelain Commandeur - 5350 (+700)
Chatelain Grand Officier - 6100 (+750)
Chatelain Grand-Croix - 6900 (+800)

For comparison, the old system had Cottager begin at 20, then Villein at 250, Freeman at 750, and then increased by 250 per level (until the very highest levels, which began increasing by 500). The old max level was 6000, so the new system actually goes higher.

The point is that even with the newly corrected post counts (didn't affect me much, but some people doubled their counts) there would still only be 5 users with more than 750 posts - that is, above the level of Villein. Then there would be another 7 with Villein. Only 12 users above Cottager, that is. With the new system it is much easier to progress at the beginning, and there are clearer distinctions between users - both of which I consider to be improvements.

These two factors - corrected post counts and adjusted status levels - might help to explain why you may have jumped from Villein to Count overnight.

As usual, comments are always extremely welcome.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:58:37 pm by mjharper » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2009, 03:45:12 am »

Wow- this is really good... my posts almost doubled... and I like the increased ranks- well done!


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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2009, 08:15:18 pm »

It is actually an improved system, thanks for doing the work on that Matt.  Of course, once anyone reaches 6900 posts, the universe will implode....

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« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 01:48:34 am »

Of course, once anyone reaches 6900 posts, the universe will implode....
No they won't.  They'll stay at Chatelain Grand-Croix for the next 800 posts till the 7701th post at which point the universe will probably ressurect Michael Jackson or Princess Diana or something.


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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2009, 04:52:59 am »

Of course, once anyone reaches 6900 posts, the universe will implode....
No they won't.  They'll stay at Chatelain Grand-Croix for the next 800 posts till the 7701th post at which point the universe will probably ressurect Michael Jackson or Princess Diana or something.
That's settled then. No-one will ever be allowed to get 7701 posts. After 7700 we delete your account, or reset it to zero.

You might not like it, but the world will thank us in the end.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 04:58:06 pm by mjharper » Logged

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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009, 04:54:41 am »

*starts the conspiracy that Matt was the one that killed both Michael Jackson AND Princess Diana and wants them to stay dead so that they won't implicate him!*


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« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2009, 04:58:28 am »

*starts the conspiracy that Matt was the one that killed both Michael Jackson AND Princess Diana and wants them to stay dead so that they won't implicate him!*
Shhh... Someone might hear you... Anyway, I thought you were the one who killed people for a living... Oh, now I see...

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« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2009, 05:26:25 pm »

Vagabond - 0
Cottager - 10 (+10)
Villein - 25 (+15)
Freeman - 45 (+20)
Vassal - 70 (+25)
Nobleman - 100 (+30)

Duke - 150 (+50)
Count - 250 (+100)
Marquis - 400 (+150)
Viscount - 600 (+200)
Baron - 850 (+250)
Chatelain - 1150 (+300)

Duke Chevalier - 1500 (+350)
Count Chevalier - 1900 (+400)
Marquis Chevalier - 2350 (+450)
Viscount Chevalier - 2850 (+500)
Baron Chevalier - 3400 (+550)
Chatelain Chevalier - 4000 (+600)
Chatelain Officier - 4650 (+650)
Chatelain Commandeur - 5350 (+700)
Chatelain Grand Officier - 6100 (+750)
Chatelain Grand-Croix - 6900 (+800)

Not to be picky or anything, but what exactly is this hierarchy based on? I know my feudal hierarchies pretty well and the first thing I noticed (possibly because I currently am one) is that a Duke is above a Count feudally-speaking. The order should actually be (with additions in ( ) and subtractions in strikes):

(Slave, Serf), Vassal, Cottager, Villein, Freeman, (Knight), Nobleman, (Gentleman), Baron, Baron Chevalier, Viscount, Viscount Chevalier, Count, Count Chevalier, Marquis, Marquis Chevalier, Duke, (Royal Duke), (Prince, Royal Prince, King, Emperor)

The following titles could relate to anyone of rank over Knight depending on their patronage from the king, but otherwise are just people who possess castles:
Chatelain Chevalier
Chatelain Officier
Chatelain Commandeur
Chatelain Grand Officier
Chatelain Grand-Croix

By themselves, these titles hold no rank except within the castle itself. They are military titles while the other titles in the list are societal. I do like the list and find it quite fun, but I don't think it is in the order it should be and I don't know where these Chatelains truly fit in the hierarchy.

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« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2009, 01:01:09 am »

God some people are so picky  Grin I bet its cos you made fun of Saint Michael  Grin Grin


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« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2009, 04:56:11 am »

Not to be picky or anything, but what exactly is this hierarchy based on? I know my feudal hierarchies pretty well and the first thing I noticed (possibly because I currently am one) is that a Duke is above a Count feudally-speaking. The order should actually be (with additions in ( ) and subtractions in strikes):

(Slave, Serf), Vassal, Cottager, Villein, Freeman, (Knight), Nobleman, (Gentleman), Baron, Baron Chevalier, Viscount, Viscount Chevalier, Count, Count Chevalier, Marquis, Marquis Chevalier, Duke, (Royal Duke), (Prince, Royal Prince, King, Emperor)

The following titles could relate to anyone of rank over Knight depending on their patronage from the king, but otherwise are just people who possess castles:
Chatelain Chevalier
Chatelain Officier
Chatelain Commandeur
Chatelain Grand Officier
Chatelain Grand-Croix

By themselves, these titles hold no rank except within the castle itself. They are military titles while the other titles in the list are societal. I do like the list and find it quite fun, but I don't think it is in the order it should be and I don't know where these Chatelains truly fit in the hierarchy.
Well, you'd have to ask Gantry for the logic behind the hierarchy. I've no idea. I also have no problem with changing it, especially so quickly after the post-count issues. I don't think any new system should go higher than prince, 'cos there should only be one king and/or one emperor. And that's either me or Gantry, baby  Grin

Also, anyone notice that the hierarchy is rather masculine? No countess or princess...

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« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2009, 12:27:11 pm »

Also, anyone notice that the hierarchy is rather masculine? No countess or princess...

Well, there's not many of the female half of the species that are members of CarcCentral unfortunately. I'd actually like some input from some women every now and then. My girlfriend just rolls her eyes and leaves me whenever I'm on this site. But that's her. I'm sure some women actually like Carcassonne enough to like our site. That being said, yes, all the hierarchies are very masculine, and they all have female equivalents, except when they are neutral terms like cottager, but I don't know how to properly implement something like that. I doubt you can have gender-based titles.

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« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2009, 04:22:02 pm »

We could just have all titles being "female". Smiley

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« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2009, 05:18:47 pm »

We could just have all titles being "female". Smiley


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« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2009, 06:07:15 pm »

Not to be picky or anything, but what exactly is this hierarchy based on? I know my feudal hierarchies pretty well and the first thing I noticed (possibly because I currently am one) is that a Duke is above a Count feudally-speaking. The order should actually be (with additions in ( ) and subtractions in strikes):

(Slave, Serf), Vassal, Cottager, Villein, Freeman, (Knight), Nobleman, (Gentleman), Baron, Baron Chevalier, Viscount, Viscount Chevalier, Count, Count Chevalier, Marquis, Marquis Chevalier, Duke, (Royal Duke), (Prince, Royal Prince, King, Emperor)

The following titles could relate to anyone of rank over Knight depending on their patronage from the king, but otherwise are just people who possess castles:
Chatelain Chevalier
Chatelain Officier
Chatelain Commandeur
Chatelain Grand Officier
Chatelain Grand-Croix

By themselves, these titles hold no rank except within the castle itself. They are military titles while the other titles in the list are societal. I do like the list and find it quite fun, but I don't think it is in the order it should be and I don't know where these Chatelains truly fit in the hierarchy.

I'm glad you asked, Whaley, as is happens, there is a codex written in the 14th century, I happen to have the only copy, and it outlines a prophecy of a time far in the future where a board game.... okay.  Since there is no such thing as a simple hierarchy with enough levels to satisfy us, I had to make a lot of it up, naturally.

I intentionally avoided slave/serf.  Personally I find the idea of using the term "slave" in modern day use a bit distasteful.

I'd read in more than one source that Knight is anglo and is equivalent to Chevalier.  Remember that most records available on the interwebs is of English origin, and I was trying to make it as appropriately French as I could. Thus, no "knight" as another title filled that role. There was also an "ecuyer" rank but doesn't look too pleasing to the eye plus most people have never heard of that word.

True, the Chatelain titles implied owning a castle: Châtelain (Med. Lat. castellanus, from castellum, a castle) was originally merely the French equivalent of the English castellan, i.e. the commander of a castle.

I avoided the upper royalty simply because at those levels, the numbers are typically limited, and 10 years down the road we may have 25 "emperors" which wouldn't make sense. Easier to skip them.  Or consider me the Emperor and Matt the .... uh... Empress? Wink (That would solve the "female title" problem!)

The top four titles of Chatelain are simply a heirarchy of medals/awards that can be given to the upper class (usually military). Basically exclusive clubs of the day.

What it boils down to is that there is no such published hierarchy, and these have been recast into our own nefarious purposes just for fun.  Most of the source material can be found in this thread.

It's hard to nitpick about something that really has no basis in reality other than just names, and yes we are incorrectly mixing nobility titles with feudal titles and a dash of military awards but it's all in fun.  If you think something needs to be changed by all means we can do that.

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