It's from Abbey & Mayor, and in answer to your question the abbey completes all the edges that touch it, making two smaller cities. When scoring cities also the abbey tile does not count...
Dang! We've been counting the Abbey tile as a part of every feature that it completes and is scored, thus giving extra points to the respective owners unnecessarily. I don't remember reading in the RGG Rules that came with the M&A expansion that it is NOT to be counted. I will have to go back and check that more thoroughly. Logically shouldn't we count this tile, since the various adjoining features are NOT complete without it?
The two cities around are completed together or not? It's a large city or two small ones ?
The two cities are completed separately. It's 2 small ones.
Hypothetically, couldn't one Abbey tile could simultaneously complete FOUR small towns or FOUR small roads (...or any combination of towns and roads up to four total); and may (allbeit a rare occurance) complete ONE huge town if the brown spaces completely surround the Abbey and still connect to each other?