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Author Topic: Lord of the Rings expansion  (Read 23092 times)
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Duke Chevalier

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« on: March 30, 2009, 05:25:00 pm »

After looking at the Fairy Tale and Wizard of Oz expansions (which I really like by the way) I wonder if a LotR expansion would work.  Maybe you could use a Gandolf and Frodo meeple and special towers.  You could have tiles with different cities on them like Rivendel, Gondor, the shire, etc.  My wife and I already refer to the magic portals as Hobbit holes.  This sounds like a fun novetly set for Novelty.   Grin

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Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 01:43:31 am »

It doesn't have to me my set.  Describe the tiles that you want in detail here, then drop me a line in the request a tile thread (see below), and I'll put you on the "queue" for tiles.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 04:30:36 pm »

I guess I'll give it a whirl.  I thought it might be able to just be a small set, but the more I think about it, the bigger it gets.  I'll let you know when I have my basic ideas organized.  Thanks. 

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 06:57:06 pm »

After doing some brain storming on the LotR, I thought that mountain tiles would be very useful (if not essential) for this expansion.  I've heard some things here and there about mountain tiles (including turning tiles upside down, which I'm not a huge fan of), but not seen anything that looks legitimate.  Is there a mountain expansion in existance somewhere or is this something you'd like to work up?  It would be pretty standard.  Just require some initial artwork.  Is this something you do?

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Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 07:06:15 pm »

Mountains is currently on hold pending other projects.  I have limited resources (aka time) at the moment.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 08:44:35 pm »

LotR could probably be it's own spin-off game.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 08:55:45 pm »

After thinking about it for a while, I think you might be right.  There is a lot you could do, but I think it might loose the basic game plot.

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Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 08:18:29 am »

LotR could probably be it's own spin-off game.
After thinking about it, I think I agree with Scott.  LotR could be a number of different spin-offs on its own!

Edit: Added to development list.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 10:45:39 pm by Novelty » Logged

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 09:51:43 pm »

OK, here are my first thoughts for the LotR expansion.  Additional pieces first, then operating instructions, and then tiles. 

Frodo - travel meeple painted tan with a necklace and ring painted around his neck (looks kinda like a small tax collector).
Sam - another travel meeple that moves in relation to Frodo.  Haven't come up with a good way to move them yet, but the short idea is that when they are together, Sam can protect Frodo, when they aren't together, he can't.  Maybe he should not be used.
Gandalf the Grey - Discovery meeple painted gray.  Haven't decided how to move him either.  Perhaps like the fairy also to protect Frodo. 
Gandalf the White - Discovery meeple painted white.  This takes the place of the Grey after "The Mines of Moria" tile is played.  His function is slightly changed.
Gollum - Light colored Castle meeple.  Works against Frodo, something like the leper. 
Black rider - A dragon painted black with a black Discovery meeple on top (Perhaps glued together, but might be better left unglued and able to be seperated by an undecided event).  Perhaps moves like a dragon.
Tower of Isengard - Three tiered tower that comes into play fully intact. 
The Black Tower - Four tiered tower painted black that comes into play fully intact.  Functions like Joff's Black Towers.
Tom Bombadil - ? Not sure whether to include him.  Honestly, and to my shame, I have not read the books so I'm not sure what he would do that would be different than Gandalf.

The object is to land Frodo on the "Mount Doom" tile by the end of the game. 
My first thoughts on meeple claiming are as such (think Axis and Allies):
The first player to draw a "ring" tile (should be a starting river tile) claims Frodo (and Sam) and scores points with him.  This person also utilizes Gandalf.
If only two people are playing, than the second player controls and scores for Gollum, the Black Rider, and both Towers.

If three people are playing, after Frodo is decided, than the first player to draw the "Black Rider" tile (a typical dragon tile with a black dragon) or the "Black Tower" tile controls and scores with both the Black Rider and the Black Tower.  Likewise if the "Tower of Isengard" tile is played than that player controls and scores with the Tower of Isengard and Gollum.  The second player controls the first of the two options and the third player gets what is left.

With four people playing, one person controls and scores with the Tower of Isengard and another with Gollum.  The player who doesn't draw either Tower tile or the Black Rider tile ends up with Gollum.

If five people play than the Black Tower and the Black Rider are split between two players.

With Six people playing, the last person (who didn't draw any of the special tiles) just gets to watch the drama unfold.

As to how they are scored, I have not yet determined that.  Suggestions are quite welcome.

I have several specific tiles in mind, though I have not determined what function (if any) each of them will have.  Some of these are similar in look and feel to the Fairy Tale and Oz tiles.

The Fellowship - A tile with a small group of people on it.
The Orc Horde - A tile with a small group of orcs on it.
The Riders of Rohan - A tile with a small group of horses and riders on it.

The City of Gondor - A CCCC tile with a unique pennant on it.
The City of Minas Tirith - A CCCC tile with a unique pennant on it.
The City of Rivendell - a CCWW or CCFW tile with a unique pennant on it.

The Shire - a FFSS tile with several magic portals (minus arrows).  This is also the beginning Ring tile with a ring symbol in the corner.
The River Bruinen - A WSRS or WSFS tile with water horses in the river.

Lothlorien - A WWWW tile with a clearing and a large tree in the middle
The Ent Forest - A WWWW tile with a clearing and a "Treebeard" figure in the middle. 

The Tower of Isengard - A FFFR tile with the road ending in a tower foundation in the middle.
The Black Tower - A MMMM tile with a black tower fondation in the middle.

Helm's Deep - A MMFF tile with a fortress in the middle.
The Mines of Moria - A MMSS tile with a fortress on the edge of the river into the mountain.
Mount Doom - A MMMM tile with a slightly larger than normal volcano on in the middle. 

9 Black Rider tiles - Random combinations of C, R, F, S, W, M and a dragon symbol with the dragon colored black (instead of purple).
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 11:12:07 pm by CKorfmann » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 02:23:56 am »

Sounds good, but...

The City of Gondor - A CCCC tile with a unique pennant on it.
The City of Minas Tirith - A CCCC tile with a unique pennant on it.
The City of Rivendell - a CCWW or CCFW tile with a unique pennant on it.

Gondor isn't a city, it's a whole country, and Minas Tirith is the capital city. Rivendell also isn't a city, more of a 'rest house' (maybe a super-inn?)

I have read the books (numerous times) and Tom Bombadil is a Maia (sort of spirit, lesser than the gods. Wizards are also Maiar, so Gandalf and Tom Bombadil have a similar measure of power). Tom is the oldest living 'person' in Middle-earth. However, his movement in the game might be limited, as in the books he has set himself a sort of boundary which he won't cross, because he only wants to concern himself with a certain area.

Also, I'm not sure if the idea of giving each player a different 'persona/race' is fair, as it would be nearly impossible to insure that all are equal... maybe simply have the various movements printed on tiles?


Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2009, 11:08:50 am »

Gondor isn't a city, it's a whole country, and Minas Tirith is the capital city. Rivendell also isn't a city, more of a 'rest house' (maybe a super-inn?)
I had thought of that before in regard to Rivendell.  I wasn't sure.  Perhaps it would be easier to just use it as a city in this game unless someone has a different suggestion.  I just goofed on Gondor.  If I had thought about it I'd probably have figured it out.  Maybe Gondor is a farm with a unique symbol and Minas Tirith has to be attatched to that farm?

I have read the books (numerous times) and Tom Bombadil is a Maia (sort of spirit, lesser than the gods. Wizards are also Maiar, so Gandalf and Tom Bombadil have a similar measure of power). Tom is the oldest living 'person' in Middle-earth. However, his movement in the game might be limited, as in the books he has set himself a sort of boundary which he won't cross, because he only wants to concern himself with a certain area.
I'm not sold on including Bombadil, but maybe that's only because I've just seen the movies.  I'd agree with your assessment though.

Also, I'm not sure if the idea of giving each player a different 'persona/race' is fair, as it would be nearly impossible to insure that all are equal... maybe simply have the various movements printed on tiles?
Well, we'd simply have to come up with a way to keep the scoring balanced.  The thing I'd be afraid of if all the pieces were neutral would be everyone favoring one over the other.  Perhaps they would not try to catch Frodo.  I was thinking about the bad guys getting a couple of point here and there along the way and then giving Frodo a large number at the end if he makes it.  That way, if he doesn't make it, the "bad guys" are maybe a dozen or so points ahead (give or take) and if Frodo does make it, maybe he gets 20 or 30 points.  If he makes it, it should be an advantage, and if he doesn't, it should be a disadvantage.  All this keeping in mind that this is an expansion and the regular game and scoring is still going on. 
As for movements, I was thinking something along the lines of the Jester and Minstrel for moving Frodo and Sam and as I've noted, something like the Fairy movement for Gandalf and the Leper movement for Gollum.  The Black Rider would be moved by a Dragon tile with very similar if not identical Dragon movement.  My thought was to utilize as many current rules as I can and not try to make up a bunch of new ones.  My wife had an idea for moving Frodo.  She thought that any time a player ads to another player's feature with no benefit to themselves, than that would move Frodo.  I guess the idea would be "doing good" moves Frodo.  Not sure how that will work though.

Being familiar as you are with the books, do you think there are other elements that would be essintial?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 11:13:37 am by CKorfmann » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2009, 05:09:50 pm »

Aragorn? He is one of the most important characters... if your going to use the "Minas Tirith must be attatched to Gondor" approach, maybe something similar with Rohan and Edoras? It might be difficult to force such placement though, and I hate to force tile placement...

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2009, 09:32:06 pm »

Aragorn? He is one of the most important characters... if your going to use the "Minas Tirith must be attatched to Gondor" approach, maybe something similar with Rohan and Edoras? It might be difficult to force such placement though, and I hate to force tile placement...

I agree about forcing tile placement.  I don't like it either.  Anyone have any other suggestions? 
As for Aragorn, I also agree that he is an important character, but I'd almost rather see him on a tile simply because the same argument could be made for several more characters like Legolas, Gimli, Merry, and Pippin; the list goes on.  I've included a tile that has the fellowship on it to attempt to serve this purpose although I admit it might be a poor attempt.  Part of my problem right now is figuring out where to draw the line.  The first draft didn't include Sam, Gollum, or Bombadil.  Still not sure I want all of them.  I guess it depends which direction I want to take this.  Expansion or Spin-off.

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« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2009, 11:02:14 pm »

Spin-off might be best. IMHO, Aragorn would be better than Bombadil

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2009, 11:10:49 pm »

IMHO, Aragorn would be better than Bombadil
That's probably true.

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