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Author Topic: The Ocean  (Read 81047 times)
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« Reply #90 on: June 27, 2009, 12:50:26 am »

  Page 3, note 8: “Harbors” should be spelt "Harbours"

Who says that's a spelling error. In Britain, harbours is the only way to spell it. Ya need the diphthong!

I only mentioned for the sake of consistency, since all of the other cases were spelt using the British 'harbours' rather than the American 'harbors'.
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #91 on: June 27, 2009, 04:24:24 am »

djdahmer, I think both of you are saying the same thing:

In Britain, harbours is the only way to spell it. Ya need the diphthong!

And a quick lookthrough:

Page 2 and 8: Governor's Mansion missing the apostrophe.

Page 3 Winds: "sailboat's movement" is incorrect spelt as "sail boats movement"
Page 3, note 8: see djdahmer's comment.

Page 4 Reefs 1st para: Delete the sentence "Reefs are closed by large rocks, as seen in the example here." as  it's a duplicate of the 2nd sentence of the paragraph.  There is also a grammatical mistake with that sentence, but I can't rephrase because I'm not sure what you're trying to say if it's not "depicted by rocks".

Page 5 General: Two background boxes.  One of them needs to be deleted.

Page 7 General: missing background box.

Page 8 General: Two background boxes.  One of them needs to be deleted.
Page 8 The Tower: "Lighthouses also may" should be "Lighthouses may also"
Page 8 A&M: needs to be separate from The tower.

Page 9 General: missing background box.  Also, do you mean for this page to just have the carc central logo?

Question: How can I use a big follower, pig, builder, etc. to settle an island?  Is it only after my first "normal man follower" has reached the island, then during subsequent turns, when I extend the island, I can play anything from my hand (according to the normal rules, of course).


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« Reply #92 on: June 28, 2009, 08:16:48 pm »

djdahmer, I think both of you are saying the same thing:

In Britain, harbours is the only way to spell it. Ya need the diphthong!

And a quick lookthrough:

Page 2 and 8: Governor's Mansion missing the apostrophe.

Page 3 Winds: "sailboat's movement" is incorrect spelt as "sail boats movement"
Page 3, note 8: see djdahmer's comment.

Page 4 Reefs 1st para: Delete the sentence "Reefs are closed by large rocks, as seen in the example here." as  it's a duplicate of the 2nd sentence of the paragraph.  There is also a grammatical mistake with that sentence, but I can't rephrase because I'm not sure what you're trying to say if it's not "depicted by rocks".

Page 5 General: Two background boxes.  One of them needs to be deleted.

Page 7 General: missing background box.

Page 8 General: Two background boxes.  One of them needs to be deleted.
Page 8 The Tower: "Lighthouses also may" should be "Lighthouses may also"
Page 8 A&M: needs to be separate from The tower.

Page 9 General: missing background box.  Also, do you mean for this page to just have the carc central logo?

Question: How can I use a big follower, pig, builder, etc. to settle an island?  Is it only after my first "normal man follower" has reached the island, then during subsequent turns, when I extend the island, I can play anything from my hand (according to the normal rules, of course).

OK hopefully all these concerns are addressed in version 0.8.  Get it here:

On the follower question, any follower type can be used to mark or claim on islands.  Since pigs and builders are not followers, they can't be used in that way.  I tried to fix this but let me know if it still needs clarity.

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2009, 10:18:33 am »

Page 3 Footnote 3:sailboat is one word
Page 3 Footnote 5: Didn't you just add the ability to use land tiles on islands in this expansion?

Page 4 Reefs 1st para: Delete the sentence "Reefs are closed by large rocks, as seen in the example here." as  it's a duplicate of the 2nd sentence of the paragraph.  There is also a grammatical mistake with that sentence, but I can't rephrase because I'm not sure what you're trying to say if it's not "depicted by rocks".

I still see 2 background boxes on pages 5 & 8 and no background boxes on 7 & 9, but that may be because of my word processor

Page 6 Islands: Once the player settles the island with a normal ‘man’ follower, that follower now serves as the a marker and the boat is returned to the player’s reserve.  For each island, only players that have landed on it may settle it.  If multiple players are settlinges the same island, the normal (land) Carcassonne rules apply inside on the island.  Additionally, on an island, a landed boat follower that has landed may be exchanged with any other type of follower for free, so as long as it follows complies with normal follower placement rules.  Theis exchange may be carried out happen when you a player extends the island with a new tile.  The exchanged follower goes back to a player's supply, while the new follower goes onto the new tile.

Page 8: Governor's Mansion still missing the apostrophe.
Page 8 A&M: needs to be separate from The tower.


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« Reply #94 on: June 29, 2009, 10:40:26 pm »

Page 3 Footnote 3:sailboat is one word
Page 3 Footnote 5: Didn't you just add the ability to use land tiles on islands in this expansion?

Page 4 Reefs 1st para: Delete the sentence "Reefs are closed by large rocks, as seen in the example here." as  it's a duplicate of the 2nd sentence of the paragraph.  There is also a grammatical mistake with that sentence, but I can't rephrase because I'm not sure what you're trying to say if it's not "depicted by rocks".

I still see 2 background boxes on pages 5 & 8 and no background boxes on 7 & 9, but that may be because of my word processor

Page 6 Islands: Once the player settles the island with a normal ‘man’ follower, that follower now serves as the a marker and the boat is returned to the player’s reserve.  For each island, only players that have landed on it may settle it.  If multiple players are settlinges the same island, the normal (land) Carcassonne rules apply inside on the island.  Additionally, on an island, a landed boat follower that has landed may be exchanged with any other type of follower for free, so as long as it follows complies with normal follower placement rules.  Theis exchange may be carried out happen when you a player extends the island with a new tile.  The exchanged follower goes back to a player's supply, while the new follower goes onto the new tile.

Page 8: Governor's Mansion still missing the apostrophe.
Page 8 A&M: needs to be separate from The tower.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this.  Some of the problems are the word processor.  I'm using word 07.  A few quick comments: The ability to use land tiles is added in the next expansion to this.  In the initial release you can't do that.  I wanted there to be far less tiles in the starter expansion so I removed the island tiles with roads.  I'm almost ready with the expansion to the base set that will bring back the "growing island" rules.  On the reefs, I don't understand what is wrong.  Maybe I should just rewrite that part.  The background boxes are in their proper places as I see them.  Perhaps I will PDF this thing once it's done.  I'll definitely fix the island stuff.  On A&M being separate, it is separate from what I see.  Another word glitch?  Thanks again I'll try to get up a new version soon.
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #95 on: June 30, 2009, 03:22:48 am »

As for Reefs, I would just delete that sentence since you've already mentioned the same thing 2 sentences previously.

It may all be OK on your word processor.  Let's have a look at the PDF then - that would probably be the best thing to do at this stage since mostly everything is formatting.


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« Reply #96 on: June 30, 2009, 01:42:31 pm »

As for Reefs, I would just delete that sentence since you've already mentioned the same thing 2 sentences previously.

It may all be OK on your word processor.  Let's have a look at the PDF then - that would probably be the best thing to do at this stage since mostly everything is formatting.

The two reef sentences are different to me.  The first tells you what they look like.  The second shows you one of the ways a reef is closed.

Anyways, here is 0.81 in PDF: 
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #97 on: June 30, 2009, 07:19:03 pm »

The second shows you one of the ways a reef is closed.
By "closed" do you mean completed?  If so the sentence might need to be reworded.

Edit: Oh, I finally understand what you're trying to say with that sentence.  "Reefs are completed when all the branches ends in large rocks, as shown in the example below."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 07:23:34 pm by Novelty » Logged


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« Reply #98 on: June 30, 2009, 09:01:26 pm »

The second shows you one of the ways a reef is closed.
By "closed" do you mean completed?  If so the sentence might need to be reworded.

Edit: Oh, I finally understand what you're trying to say with that sentence.  "Reefs are completed when all the branches ends in large rocks, as shown in the example below."

Yes!  So is the term "closed" is only used on forums like "meeple"?  If I further revise I'll re-word that to say "completed".   Thanks
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #99 on: June 30, 2009, 09:30:26 pm »

Yes!  So is the term "closed" is only used on forums like "meeple"?
Yes, it's a non-formal term that the rules do not use.  The "formal" term is "completed", and you'll find that in the rules.  Hence I was confused about the term "closed" in your statement.


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« Reply #100 on: July 01, 2009, 05:03:54 pm »

Yes!  So is the term "closed" is only used on forums like "meeple"?
Yes, it's a non-formal term that the rules do not use.  The "formal" term is "completed", and you'll find that in the rules.  Hence I was confused about the term "closed" in your statement.

Ok so I'll give it a few days and if there are no more changes besides this one, I'll call it 1.0!  I'm sure there are some people waiting for that, and will find "bugs" after playing it.  But I think as it stands right now it's a fairly healthy expansion.  Work is well underway on the expansion too!
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #101 on: July 04, 2009, 06:48:07 am »

I think everything is covered.  After so many revisions, I'm glad this is finally done.

Also, when you start a new expansion, could I request that you start a new thread for it so that would make it easier to track?  Thanks.


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« Reply #102 on: July 04, 2009, 08:57:13 pm »

I added a tiny bit of polish to the tiles and here is the full package download:

Everything you need to get into the ocean is included there.  Thank you for helping me get it to this point.  And if you actually take the time and expense to create this, please let me know what you think!  I am happy to revise the rules in the future, if needed.  
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #103 on: July 05, 2009, 01:00:05 am »

Could you do me a favour A?  I would like to put a montage of tiles (sort of like the Treasure Hunt) on the Public downloads page and I was wondering if you could make me a gif/jpg?  Thanks.  Oh, added to Public Downloads and merit point for you Smiley


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« Reply #104 on: January 03, 2010, 12:16:40 pm »

This is next on my build list, I've just finished the Lake. When I went to print the tiles off, I couldn't get them to be the right size, they were opening up as 1 5/8 inches. Is there any way to get the Ocean tiles as a PDF so that the size is fixed?

I do so covet these gorgeous tiles.... Fish
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