You know I approve of your time and effort spent on this,
but it is still difficult to read the rules of my simple expansion,
and to see how long and seemingly difficult it has become.
I disagree with you. The problem with simple rules is they leave a lot of ambiguities, which makes the expansion unplayable to others (who will have unanswered questions). One must attempt to address all possible difficulties associated with any fan-made expansion, especially when you are playing
Carcassonne which might be played with a number of different expansions. It is not as clear cut as you might think. The very fact that we have a list of FAQ's for HiG to answer, testifies that there are points that are unclear in the official rules. Here is an example of such (from the HiG thread):
For example:
7: According to FAQ 170 there are some 'distractions' on this part of CAR. So I think this rule should read 'Mayor can only be deployed to a city where there are no knights, mayors and wagons'. I know this not mentioned in the rules, but I think it should because otherwise it wouldn't be logical to deploy a mayor where there is a wagon!...
This is an opinion based on a FAQ regarding deployment of the Wagon. The point is here that the rules make it absolutely clear that a Mayor cannot be deployed to a city which contains a Knight. There is no mention of a Wagon, and the rules do not point out that Wagons can be deployed as Knights. They are deployed solely as Wagons. This would mean, in a game, if a player deploys a Mayor into a city where I have my Wagon, I would not be able to prevent it and have no argument when it comes to adjudication by the rules. This is why we need HiG to actually answer the question so it becomes part of the rules.
The above is a clear cut problem regarding the official rules. Now, we all 'know' that a Mayor cannot be deployed to a city containing a Wagon, but the rules do NOT say that, and I have no argument to someone who insists that the Mayor can be deployed with my Wagon!
I can play
In the Stocks exceptionally well. The rules for it are terribly long winded though. But needs must. I have the advantage in that I created that expansion, so I, naturally, 'know' all the rules. Things that I think are pretty obvious, in reality, aren't that obvious. It is the same for your expansions, you already 'know' the rules. I don't. If I were to play
Kids, (and I have purchased the meeples especially so I can play it), using the original rules it would be unplayable by me (unless you were overseeing the game).
If the rules are not what you envisioned, you are welcome to work on them. I will be happy to pdf them for you and host them. The reason I have worked on them is because I requested that I could finish off
Valois and
Pope for you (in your abscence). I certainly don't want to 'tread on your toes' regarding your expansions.
Edit: wicke's corrections -
The Kids are Growing Up 0.7