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Author Topic: Dragon Hunters  (Read 15337 times)
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Marquis Chevalier

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Custom Tile Maker

« on: November 22, 2008, 10:49:05 am »

This expansion will add:

Tiles with ballistas and catapults and trebuchets.
Black boars, white sheep and brown cows (which you can get from Mayday Games).  Picture below:

Very rough rules:
Each player gets one sheep and one cow.  If playing with Forests, they get a black boar/pig as well.
Expansions required = P&D.
Tiles are shuffled into the supply.

1. Play a tile
* If a player draws a tile with the siege machines, they may play a meeple to the siege machine as a Dragon Hunter.  This is a MTW action.

2. Play a meeple
* Instead of playing a meeple or any of the actions associated with it, a player may choose to instead play either the sheep, the cow or the boar.  The Sheep can only be played on a road on the tile just laid, the cow can be played on a farm on on the tile just laid, and the boar can be played in a forest on the tile just laid.
* The sheep/cow/boar can be played to the appropriate feature on the tile even if another player already has a follower (or sheep/boar/cow or is unoccupied) connected to that feature.  e.g. If Blue plays a tile with a road and connects it to a road where Green already has a thief, Blue is allowed to play his sheep to the road.
* A road/farm/forest with a sheep/cow/boar is not considered to be occupied.  Any player may play a follower onto a tile connected to a road/farm/forest with a sheep/cow/boar.  e.g. Yellow plays a forest tile and places a boar on it.  The forest is unconnected to any other forest.  During Black's turn, Black plays another tile with forests and connects it to the forest with boar that Yellow played earlier.  Black may play a follower to the forest as a woodsman, or a black boar to the tile just played.

2.5 Dragon moves
* Whenever the dragon moves, the player moving it must move it towards the closest sheep or cow or boar.  Normal rules for the dragon applies.
* When the dragon moves to the tile containing the sheep, cow or boar, the sheep, cow or boar is removed from play.
* If the dragon moves to within 2 squares of a Dragon Hunter, play is immediately halted.  The owner of the dragon hunter notes the closest sheep/cow/boar.  If there are two that are equidistance, the owner states the one he or she wishes to use to determine success for hunting the dragon.  The player then draws 5 tiles from the supply and note how many tiles contains roads (sheep) or cities (cows) or forests (boars) are drawn.  If all 5 tiles contain the relevant feature, then the dragon is "killed" and moved to the side (it comes back again when the next volcano tile is drawn).  All 5 drawn tiles are reshuffled back into the supply.  Play then resumes.  (e.g. The dragon moves towards a tile where Red has a dragon hunter.  The closest bait to the dragon hunter is the sheep.  When it moves 2 squares away from the Dragon hunter, play is halted.  Red draws 5 tiles and notes how many of those tiles contain roads.  If all 5 tiles contains roads, the dragon is killed and removed from the board.  If not the dragon continues to move.  Reshuffle all the tiles drawn back into the supply.)
* If the dragon moves to within 1 square of the Dragon Hunter, play is immediately halted.  The owner of the dragon hunter notes the closest sheep/cow/boar, etc. as above.  The only difference is that instead of drawing 5 tiles though, the player draws 10 and only needs 5 with the correct features shown.  (e.g. The dragon moves towards a tile where Red has a dragon hunter.  The closest bait to the dragon hunter is the sheep.  When it moves 1 square away from the Dragon hunter, play is halted.  Red draws 10 tiles and notes how many of those tiles contain roads.  If at least 5 of those tiles contains roads, the dragon is killed and removed from the board.  If not the dragon continues to move.  Reshuffle all the tiles drawn back into the supply.)
[Edit: Note: When the dragon is further away, it is harder to shoot at it, but when it's closer it's easier to shoot it down.  That's what the mechanics is supposed to represent.  My original idea was to use dice, but that was shot down as not being in the spirit of Carcassonne.  Drawing tiles and observing features on them gives random enough chances.]
* If the dragon moves to the square with the dragon hunter, the dragon hunter is killed and returned to the player's supply.

Clarifications (on 23/11/08)
a. If there are no sheep or cow or boar in play, the dragon cannot be killed.
b. If the dragon is in range of more than one player, the player who is closer to the dragon (i.e. 1 square away) goes first, if there is still a tie, then the player who has the less points goes first, if there is still a tie, then the player next in line to play after the previous dragon move goes first.
c. A player may only use one of his Dragon Hunter after each Dragon's "step", even if there are 2 or more of that player's dragon hunters in range of the dragon.  The player is to announce which Dragon Hunter will be used to attempt to shoot the dragon.  If more than 1 player has a Dragon Hunter in range, each player's order is determined by the Dragon Hunter being used.
d. If Dual Dragon is being used, and a Dragon Hunter has a choice of more than one dragon target, he may only target 1 Dragon at a time (i.e. after the dragon has performed a step).  The player must declare which dragon they are targetting (which is also used to determine the order if more than 1 player can target at least 1 dragon).

3. Scoring.
* The dragon hunter that kills a dragon gets 25 points.  The dragon hunter remains on the tile.

I think it's a bit complicated at the moment, but it replicates rather nicely the hunting of dragons.  Comments are welcomed!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 10:22:57 am by Novelty » Logged

Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2008, 08:24:38 am »

Well, I've just ordered my copy of the cow/pig/sheep.  If my shipment from meeple is any indication, it'll probably get her in about 5 weeks (I'm expecting it to be later because of Christmas).

12 Dragon hunter tiles.  I'll start making these tiles next.

Marquis Chevalier

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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2008, 05:58:10 am »

Sample tile.  I added the Ballistas and decided they didn't stand out too much, so I added the icon to make it really clear that these were dragon hunter tiles.  Let me know what you think.


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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2008, 06:34:23 am »

tbh i dont like it that much, try to play around with some shodows or darker border for the cross ... perhaps also another color, not thaaat red ... and perhaps a little bit smaller so that it exactly fits into the elipse? ... perhaps i'm just talking crap :-)
Marquis Chevalier

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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2008, 06:51:06 am »

Thanks for being honest.  How about this?


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« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2008, 10:09:53 am »

way better i would say!
Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2009, 10:17:55 am »

Tiles are done!  I'll get to the rules one of these days Smiley

Here's a preview of the tiles:


Marquis Chevalier

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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2009, 10:49:17 am »

Draft FAQ:

Question: Can the dragon hunter be captured by the Tower?
Answer: Yes, if it is in range of the tower

Question: Can the boar, cow or sheep be captured by the Tower?
Answer: No.

Question: Can the dragon hunter be removed by the Dragon?
Answer: Yes, if the dragon moves to the tile that the dragon hunter is on.

Question: What happens when the fairy is next to the dragon hunter, boar, cow or sheep ?
Answer: Nothing.  A player does not get any extra points if a fairy is in the same tile as the dragon hunter, boar, cow or sheep.  However, a dragon cannot enter a tile occupied by the fairy.

Question: Can you use a magic portal to deploy a dragon hunter, boar, cow or sheep?
Answer: No.

Question: Can you deploy a follower from the City of Carcassonne as a dragon hunter?
Answer: No.

Question: Can the wagon move to become a dragon hunter?
Answer: No.

Question: What happens when the dragon hunter, boar, cow or sheep is within the area that the jester and the minstrel (from the Jester and Minstrel fan-made expansion) has an effect?
Answer: The dragon hunter, boar, cow or sheep are not affected by the jester and the minstrel.

Question: Can the dragon hunter be exchanged or removed by the relevant tiles in the Catapult?
Answer: Yes, following the Catapult rules.  The dragon hunter is considered to be a follower.

Question: Can the boar, cow or sheep be exchanged or removed by the relevant tiles in the Catapult?
Answer: No.  The boar, cow or sheep are not considered to be followers.

Question: Can the boar, cow or sheep be placed on rivers, or in cities?
Answer: No.

Question: Does the dragon move towards the pig (from Traders and Builders)?
Answer: No, the dragon does not move towards the pig.

Question: What happens when a player has more than one choice when moving to the closest boar, cow or sheep?
Answer: The player moving the dragon decides which boar, cow or sheep to move to if there is more than one choice.

Question: How do we calculate which boar, cow or sheep is the closest to the dragon?
Answer: After each step the dragon has moved, determine the shortest path to the closest boar, cow or sheep by counting the number of tiles in between the dragon and the boar, cow or sheep horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Question: Can I play a dragon hunter or cow onto a farm that is already occupied by a farmer or a barn?
Answer: Yes, the dragon hunter is considered to be separate from the farmer.

Question: Can I play the boar or sheep to a forest/road that is already occupied by a woodsman/thief?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Can I play the sheep to a road that is already occupied by a sheriff (from the Prison fan-made expansion) or a constable (from the Constable fan-made expansion)?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Does the dragon hunter help determine which player has the most followers on a farm?
Answer: No.  The dragon hunter is not considered to be a farmer and it does not add to the total farmers on a farm.  The dragon hunter is on a separate feature than the farm.  It also does not participate in the Archery Tournament (from the fan-made Archery Tournament expansion).

Question: Is the dragon hunter removed when a barn is placed on the farm on which it is on?
Answer: No, the dragon hunter is not a farmer and is not removed.

Question: Does the dragon hunter contribute to the scoring for the Tithe barn (from the Apothecaries and Tithes expansion)?
Answer: Yes!

Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2009, 08:51:30 am »

Here are the rules!  Comments welcomed.

Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2009, 04:15:46 am »

I made a slight modification to the rules!  Comments welcomed.

Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 02:58:55 am »

I guess there are no comments.  Now available at a public download page near you.


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Some people finish stuff, others d

« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2009, 03:43:13 am »

A bit late now,
 but what if there are only, say, 2 tiles left in the bag when the dragon goes within range of the hunter? You might consider making 10 'special tiles'? i.e. not mixed in with the others...

Marquis Chevalier

Merit: 49
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Custom Tile Maker

« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2009, 05:40:20 am »

but what if there are only, say, 2 tiles left in the bag when the dragon goes within range of the hunter?
Then you try to draw 5 or 10, but can only draw 2 and you don't meet the 5 requirement, so it fails.  I'll add that to the next version of the rules.

Edit: File in Public Downloads has been updated.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 10:09:56 am by Novelty » Logged

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