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Author Topic: Knight Placement ?  (Read 20038 times)
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canada steve
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« on: March 16, 2007, 10:45:19 am »


Can anyone confirm how to place knights in cities. For example I know you cannot place a knight, either your own or not, directly to the side or above or below a tile with another knight in, but can you place one diagonally from it ? Also if you have two small city edges side by side and a knight in each one, from the beginning placement of the River 2, if they become part of one city should they be allowed to remain or would one be removed as an illeagal placement ?



Canada Steve
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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 01:59:47 pm »

As with all other placement - if you add directly to a city you can not place a knight if the city is already occupied. You can however place one if the tiles border diagonally (is that the right word in english?) - Corner to corner.

In short: Occupied cities, roads, farms - anything - a big no no in placing. If it doesn't border (and corners don't) you can place - even if there is a given that the next tile will make the city (or road or whatever) connect.

Man - having english as a second language sometimes sucks!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2007, 02:38:35 pm by Tobias » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 02:02:25 pm »


You may want to check the FAQ section - I would imagine the answer is there and probably more clearly explained than I can do.

In terms of diagonals - yes I believe you can place a knight where the only connection to another city piece (already controlled by a knight) is on the diagonal - this is normally a good ploy to get in on the action of another player's city (especially once you get I&C - where the large meeple can give you dominance in an already started city - once you place another tile that then properly connects the city up)

I don't have River 2, but two (what we call endcaps) side by side are not considered part of the same city so you can place a knight on each.

I think the idea is that if it is possible (given the right pieces) to create a  separate city then it is legitimate to place a knight down.

Hope this makes some sort of sense - mjharper will probably have a much better answer.

By the way (don't know whether you follow cricket) but as I am typing this NZ are playing England (I'm a Kiwi) - looks like it could go down to the wire.  
canada steve
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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 02:14:16 pm »

Hey guys,

Tobias, great English and a good explanation that helps to clarify thanks. My german sucks big time.

likie, again thanks for a great response really helpful to ensure I was doing it right.

As for cricket, no way mate, you kiwis can whopp the English at cricket any day and I wouldnt give a moneys, same goes for rugby, football, etc. Now give me the Toronto Maple Leafs, Boston Redsox, Tampa Bay Buccs and the Orlando Magic any day.



Canada Steve
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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 02:40:28 pm »

Cricket - pah! People should realise that Bandy is the only true team sport in existance!

And thanks Steve for your kind words - I'm swedish though, not German Wink

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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2007, 02:44:41 pm »

wow and I thought I'd heard of every sport there was - Bandy!  that's a new one for me, thanks for that Tobias!

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canada steve
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« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2007, 02:39:41 am »

Tobias sorry I presumed, shouldnt have done. Anyway my Swedish is even worse  Grin

Bandy, field hockey on ice..........looks fun.


Canada Steve

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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2007, 03:42:43 am »

Here's one from the FAQ:
Quote from: HiG
Question: We have difficulty deciding when a placed tile represents a new city or belongs to one already being built.

Answer: ‘Corner to corner’ is not a connection! Segments can only be connected on the edges. In the example shown there are two cities at the moment.
I'm not sure what you mean about The River II - why should that lead to an illegal placement?

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canada steve
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« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2007, 04:35:09 am »

Thats ok MJ you have all cleared it up the answe was no its fine. If you have two straight river sections with city endcaps side by side it is ok to place knights in both as they are not connected city.

One question arose last night though. In the rules for River I/II it states that you cannot place any meeple on the river tiles. Does this mean that you cannot place any meeple on any tile that has a river in it or just not in the river itself (which would be very silly indeed as it wouldnt help you) ?



Canada Steve

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« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2007, 04:45:21 am »

Thats ok MJ you have all cleared it up the answe was no its fine. If you have two straight river sections with city endcaps side by side it is ok to place knights in both as they are not connected city.
Right, I see what you mean now - as you say, that's fine.

One question arose last night though. In the rules for River I/II it states that you cannot place any meeple on the river tiles. Does this mean that you cannot place any meeple on any tile that has a river in it or just not in the river itself (which would be very silly indeed as it wouldn't help you) ?
Just not on the river itself - roads, cloisters, cities and farms on river tiles are fine. The rules I have only say that followers can't be deployed to "the river itself".

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canada steve
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« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2007, 08:08:19 am »

Yeah my rules say the same, but as I said putting a meeple in a river would achieve absolutely nothing, except to drown your meeple!!! Grin Grin So why would the rules say that. I think he means that no pieces can be placed on any river tile which would make it far more acceptable as far as I can see, but thats just my opinion.



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« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2007, 11:53:59 am »

hmm there's an idea for a variant - meeples that fish the river for some points!

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« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2007, 09:32:30 am »

  Man - having english as a second language sometimes sucks! 

Man - don't worry, you're doing GREAT...believe me when I say that having English as a First (primary & only) language sometimes SUCKS!  And I've even studied: Latin, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Basic, Pascal, and Cobol, but still can't converse in any on them.  Haha; - D

Back to Carcassonne...Now I've found the Post that began that whole "Hook, Line, & Sinker" points for Fishermen Meeple variant thread.  You confused me by stating that you can't place any Meeple on a River (I or II) Tile.  You had me believing that we were doing it all wrong, especially when I researched in my Rules and could only find the statement that "River tiles should all be placed BEFORE beginning the regular game."  I'm glad to discover that we can continue what we've always been doing, because it works for us and I don't want to interfer with anyone's comfort zone when it come to this our favorite lesiure time activity. 

canada steve
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« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2007, 11:12:10 am »

Hmm interesting point from Johngee there. He states "when I researched in my Rules and could only find the statement that "River tiles should all be placed BEFORE beginning the regular game."  Now if that is the case surely you could interpret that in that no meeple can be placed on the river tiles as it is not a part of the regular game. Only meeple placement can happen in the usual manner in the regular game play Huh?/ Wow what a question to get everyone discussing. Im playing in a few hours time so will throw it out to my players and see what response I get.


Canada Steve
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« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2007, 12:16:35 pm »

I'm fairly certain that in RII the rules state that you can place meeples on the tiles. But I'm too lazy to walk the four meters it would take to check it up :P

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