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Author Topic: Carcassonne: Green Dragon  (Read 33454 times)
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Marquis Chevalier

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« on: October 13, 2008, 10:08:48 am »

OK, I can't believe Clerics and Serf took... a day!  I had thought it would take longer to find the correct tiles.

Anyways, while Scott is still working on Forests, I thought I'd go ahead with the planning for Green Dragon (current working name, but could also be the final name... or not - Scott gets the final say in the naming of this expansion).  So what will this expansion have?

1. Inns by roads (I&C) & Forests (15 tiles)
2. Dragon icons (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
3. Volcanoes (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
4. Magic Portals (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
5. Princess (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
6. Fairs (Cat) & Forests (6 tiles)
7. Remaining unmade tiles from forest (7 tiles)
8. City tiles with shields & forest (8 tiles less items 9 & 10 below.)
9. "missing basic configurations" from Scott (up to 6 or 7 tiles)
10. something special (1 or 2 tiles)

4 sheets, 60 tiles total.  I have no idea what the something special for this expansion will be.

Future forest expansions include:
Forest 3 aka "Forest Gump" with forest trade goods (whatever it may be) and a logging camp icon (similar to shields for cities)
Forest 4 aka "Merry Men" with the "Robin Hood person" and the Merry Men camp (similar to the joust tile for cities)
Forest 5 aka "Whispering Woods" with forest and river tiles.
NB. names in quotes are working names.

So, post here:

1. Suggestions for the something special for Green Dragon (item 10).
2. Configurations you'd like to see for the tiles, with regards to items 1 to 6 for Green Dragon.
3. If you are Scott, post here the "missing basic configurations" (item 9).

I'll start making tiles 24 hours from now...

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 01:15:16 pm »

What is going to be in Whispering Woods? Or is it a placeholder "just in case we forgot something" expansion? I wouldn't mind stealing that name for the second expansion if we have room in "Merry Men" for anything we might miss along the way.

Failing that, would you kill me if I wanted to call it "Forests II" like "River II"?

I will try to check for missing configurations before the end of the day.


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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2008, 01:19:01 pm »

forest trade goods is this something like trades with berries, wood etc ?
sounds like a great addition !

plays with all official expansions + Gold Mines,Jousting tournament, Lavendar fields, Forests (partial), The orders of Chivalry, In the stocks, The gallows, archery tournament, the outpost, apothecaries and tithes, wells, wheatfields, grim reaple, Market commons and a lot of other german expansions.
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2008, 02:47:54 pm »

Forest trade goods is with wood/logs.

Idea for something special: a well from Abbey and Mayor in the middle of the forest? (wwww)

And here are the missing configurations:
1xcwcw - a bowtie-shaped city with forest on opposing but separate sides
1xcfcw - a bowtie-shaped city with forest on one side and farm on the other
1xcrcw - a bowtie-shaped city with forest on one side and road on the other (road goes into city)
4xcccw - mostly city with a forest end-cap; mostly forest with three city end-caps; mostly forest with one city end-cap and one city diagonal; and a city bowtie with forest on one side and separate city end-cap on the other
2xcwww - the squiggly city that runs into the far corner from I&C with forest surrounding; and the cfff tile from A&M but all f replaced with w
1xccrw - a T&B style square city corner piece with road on one side and woods on the adjacent side
1xccwr - same as above but road and woods are swapped around
1xccww - same as above but woods on both adjacent sides

If you need me to clarify any of the above, let me know. I can either provide directions to the corresponding picture in the CAR that inspired me, or I could scan in my crude drawing.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2008, 05:14:16 pm »

Had another idea for a special tile. A lake in the middle of a forest, not connected to any river. I don't see any purpose to it, but it would look nice...

If there's room for an island in the middle of the lake (probably not), there could be a tower or cloister or something on the island. If it turns out there is room for an island, it might be nice to have one with an island and one without (just an empty lake).
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 05:18:58 pm by Scott » Logged

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2008, 07:13:47 pm »

OK, thanks for the basic configurations.  The first 7 basic configs you have listed is what I already have figured out (item 7).  The last 3 of the tile suggestions are already in the first forest - bottom 2 rows of Page 10.

Forest II is such a boring name.  And Rivers II introduced nothing new (except the pig herd tile), whereas Green Dragon will hopefully have something new (whatever it is).  Green Dragon, is after all the name of an Inn (which is why we have inns) and the dragon from the P&D tiles.  Also green = forest...

What would the well in the middle of the forest do?  If it's just artwork, then it's not something special.  The something special needs to have new rules like the other expansions.

I thought of a lake tile, but decided to move it to Whispering Woods.  That's the rivers and forest expansion after all.

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2008, 08:03:38 am »

Progress update:

1. Inns by roads (I&C) & Forests (15 tiles)
2. Dragon icons (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
3. Volcanoes (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
4. Magic Portals (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
5. Princess (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
6. Fairs (Cat) & Forests (6 tiles)
7. Remaining unmade tiles from forest (7 tiles) Done!
8. City tiles with shields & forest (15 tiles less items 10 below.)
9. "missing basic configurations" from Scott (8 tiles) Done!
10. something special (?? tiles)

My thoughts about the something special.. how about we split the forest trade goods and the logger camp - let's have ... say 15 logging camps in this expansion as the something special and move Item 8 above to "Forest Gump" (that definately needs a better name).  Comments, Scott?  Also, where did you plan on getting the logging camp icon from?  New world?

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2008, 07:54:40 pm »

First page - featuring forest and bigger cities

Scott, please have a look at these and lemme know if I have covered most of your basic configs.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2008, 08:12:00 pm »

Ok, we can call it Green Dragon, but we might want to put a footnote explaining it for people like me. Embarrassed

I didn't really have anything in mind for the well in the middle of the forest, just decoration, but maybe somebody will think of something... I think there's at least one fairy tale about a wishing well?

15 logging camps seems like way too much. The feature is based on the cathedral tiles, so I was only expecting two of them. That could still be the something special, and we wouldn't have to bump the city with shields tiles to the next expansion. (provided no more than 3 logging camps) I didn't think as far ahead as where the logging camp image was going to come from. Might be able to steal some buildings from the Count and bodge something together? Would need to draw some things from scratch I'm afraid. (in case it wasn't clear, the logging camp was to be a landscape feature)

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2008, 08:17:56 pm »

OK, Logging camp like cathedral tiles.  Noted.  I was thinking of the little huts from New World, but I'm not quite sure if that would be in the same style.  I'll have a look at that ... not immediately, but when I get to it.

So we'll have:

1. Inns by roads (I&C) & Forests (15 tiles)
2. Dragon icons (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
3. Volcanoes (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
4. Magic Portals (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
5. Princess (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles)
6. Fairs (Cat) & Forests (6 tiles)** Depends on the release of Catapult.
7. Remaining unmade tiles from forest (7 tiles) Done!
8. City tiles with shields & forest (13 tiles)
9. "missing basic configurations" from Scott (8 tiles) Done!
10. Logging Camp (2 tiles)

Edit: How about something like this for the introduction in the rules
"At the Green Dragon Inn, there have been tales of a dragon menacing logging camps in the forest..."
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 08:22:22 pm by Novelty » Logged

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2008, 08:24:09 pm »

I'm sure Master Storyteller Joff can work that in somehow. Wink

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2008, 08:28:44 pm »

As long as he doesn't mention Hobbits and Aragon and Gandalf, we should be safe Wink


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« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2008, 01:34:51 am »

"To the east of the region of Carcassonne an accross the Great River lies a forest, named Mirkwood by the peasants. The forest used to provide shelter and resources, but rumour has it now that it is inhabited by giant spiders. Unfortunately, the forest was also a shortcut to the Lonely Mountain where local peasants mined for gold..."

See not a mention of Hobbits, Gandalf or even Aragon!
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2008, 05:07:04 am »

Scott, I think we have our logging camp.  Have a look at the market in the City of Carcassonne and tell me if that was placed in the middle of a forest, would it look like a logging camp?

Here's a mockup:

Edit: Progress report and updates:

1. Inns by roads (I&C) & Forests (15 tiles) Done!
2. Dragon icons (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles) (3 tiles)
3. Volcanoes (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles) (3 tiles)
4. Magic Portals (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles) (3 tiles)
5. Princess (P&D) & Forests (6 tiles) (3 tiles)
6. Fairs (Cat) & Forests (6 tiles)** Depends on the release of Catapult. Moved to a future expansion
7. Remaining unmade tiles from forest (7 tiles) Done!
8. City tiles with shields & forest (13 tiles) (15 tiles)
9. "missing basic configurations" from Scott (8 tiles) Done!
10. Logging Camp (2 tiles)  (3 tiles)Done!

60 tiles total.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 05:09:30 am by Novelty » Logged

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2008, 07:16:22 am »

Second page - featuring forest and inns
Third page - featuring forest and P&D icons, and logging camps

Progress updates:

1. Inns by roads (I&C) & Forests (15 tiles) Done!
2. Dragon icons (P&D) & Forests (3 tiles) Done!
3. Volcanoes (P&D) & Forests (3 tiles) Done!
4. Magic Portals (P&D) & Forests (3 tiles) Done!
5. Princess (P&D) & Forests (3 tiles) Done!
6. Fairs (Cat) & Forests (6 tiles)** Depends on the release of Catapult. Moved to Forest 4
7. Remaining unmade tiles from forest (7 tiles) Done!
8. City tiles with shields & forest (13 tiles) (15 tiles)
9. "missing basic configurations" from Scott (8 tiles) Done!
10. Logging Camp (2 tiles)  (3 tiles)Done!

60 tiles total.  45 completed.  The last sheet should be finished before the weekend, then I could start with the rules.

And for those wondering how the other Forest expansions stands:

Forest 3 "Merry Men" will have the merry men camp, the vigilante, and 10 forest tiles featuring cliffs.  Cliffs is just a part of the natural landscape (like bridges and tunnels) that separate the landscape into distinct areas.

Forest 4 will have trade goods (more than 1?) and fairs next to forests

Forest 5 "Whispering Woods" will have forest tiles with river elements

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