Thanks. What happens when a follower is not removed (by choice) from the stocks? Do I get to them play a follower instead, or must I resurrect any followers in stocks first before I am allowed to ever play a follower?
Removing your follower from the stocks is
instead of 'moving the wood'. If you choose
not to release your follower, then you may 'move the wood' on your turn as usual.
I presume you can't magic portal or use the city of carcassonne to teleport anyone directly into the stocks... although it would be legal to deploy them on the same tile in the city?
No, you cannot move anyone directly into the stocks from Carcassonne, but you can move onto the city segment of the tile. The rules state: "
The stocks area on this tile takes no further part in the game and no player is able to deploy a follower into the stocks on any subsequent turn, other than in the way described in the ‘Using the stocks for a second time’ section."
I have also added the following clarification as a footnote:
"Question: Can I move a follower from Carcassonne City or use a magic portal to occupy the stocks?
Answer: No. You cannot deploy a follower, from Carcassonne City or via a magic portal, into the stocks area, but you can deploy to the city segment of the tile in this case."
I thought I read it, but couldn't find it again... if I have 2 followers detained in the stocks... and both have been detained for at least a turn, I can during my turn move both of them out of the stocks. What if I decide I only want to move 1 of them out?
You did indeed read it. It is in the section
'Using the stocks for a second time'.
"...detain two followers of any colour (other than his own) in both stocks in the usual way. The stocks are used the same way as before, except, that should the detained prisoners be the same colour, that player must lay both followers down on his next turn, instead of ‘moving the wood’. He may also release both followers at the same time, instead of ‘moving the wood’, should he choose to do so."
However, your question regarding the release of just one of the two detainees again warrants a footnote. This is the footnote I have added:
"Question: Should two of my followers be detained, am I obligated to release both of them at the same time or can I leave one in the stocks for a later release?
Answer: You are free to choose whether to release your followers one at a time or both together. Releasing both of them together on the same turn takes the place of ‘moving the wood’ for that turn. However, you might choose to leave one of your followers detained in the stocks, although releasing the remaining follower on a later turn will again be instead of ‘moving the wood’. A player is not obligated to release any of his followers from the stocks should he choose not to."
Edit: Also, I think it needs a clarification that if there is a monk on the cloister in a city tile, that meeple isn't eligible for the stocks... or is it?
You are correct. A Monk in a cloister cannot be detained in the stocks.
Footnote added "The only followers that can be detained in the stocks are a small follower (as a Knight), big follower (as a big Knight), Builder, Mayor or Wagon."
and also
"Question: There is a Monk in the cloister that is within the city (from Princess and the Dragon expansion). May I move the Monk occupying the cloister into the stocks?
Answer: No. The follower in this case is deployed as a Monk and therefore is not eligible to be detained in the stocks. The only followers that can be legally detained in the stocks are a small follower (as a Knight), big follower (as a big Knight), Builder, Mayor or Wagon."
Also, why can't I put my own meeple in the stocks? This strategy would be great for playing defensively
This is an interesting. Give me a scenario that would give a good reason for wanting to place yourself in the stocks... and then we can take it from there. As the stocks are a hinderance mechanism, would anyone want to put themselves into the stocks? This of course, as they are draft rules, is subject to change. Let the discussion begin
I have also added the following footnote that clears up another problem I saw:
"Question: I have released my follower from the stocks, but there is not an unoccupied tile for me to return to. What happens?
Answer: Should there not be a free position in the city, your follower is expelled from the city and returned to your supply."