(I thought I saw a thread about this expansion, but I can not find it...)
La folia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folia is mostly considered to be a musical theme - well, it is...
But - it is significantly joined to the carnival
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CarnivalIn the past - during some of these carnivals (spain in the 1400's etc),
la folia (dance of the fools) took place, which meant that during that day (and that day only) the high and low swapped places. Peasant became noble, and the nobles became peasants. It was a feast!
Anyway - When a fair-
tale tile is drawn, for the next turn, if you are scoring something - the owner of what is scored will get negative points (or everyone else positive if it is early in the game). The rich and lucky ones will get naught, and the poor sods who are lagging behind will get rich - for one turn. If another fair tile is drawn the turn is prolonged.
No - I have not been thinking this one through - that is
your job