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Author Topic: Carcassonne Central expansion: reboot!  (Read 111678 times)
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Marquis Chevalier

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« on: October 04, 2008, 01:44:40 am »

Just thinking aloud here...

I have been receiving emails and messages asking me if I printed the custom tiles, and if so how, and would I be willing to ship it to Essex/Utah/Timbuktu and how much shipping would cost.  And I had to answer in the negative.  But that only goes to show that there is demand for the custom tiles.

So here's what I was thinking.  Lets say we pick 12 custom tiles (I have no idea how and I can always make new ones if required), approach Jay (RGG) with them and ask about the possibility of making a Carcassonne Central expansion (ala Games Quarterly expansion).  I haven't worked out the details, so suggestions welcome.  One thing we would need is for someone to be the central repository of the tiles and for him to mail out to everyone who orders them.  That person perferably would be Gantry...



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« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2008, 06:26:41 am »

Not a bad idea, but I think there might be a lot of work involved to coinvince Jay to produce a Carcassonne Central expansion...

I would love to see the forest tiles produced 'officially'. Me thinks that there are plenty of uses for those Smiley

I'd certainly be wanting to place an order, but I suspect the cost would be much higher than a normal expansion.
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2008, 08:51:27 am »

I don't disagree that there might be a lot of work to convince Jay to produce a Carc Central expansion, but it has been done by Games Quarterly so there is a precedent.

Well, I would say "no new rules" at least for the first Carcassonne Central expansion, so that would rule out the forest tiles.  Also, there needs to be a full large expansion for the forest tiles in the first place to make them viable.

Well, I read from you guys that it costs 3 quid for CS&C excluding shipping.  A Games Quarterly magazine went for about US$6 (for example here) which is slightly above 3 quid, but is still comparable.  Add a couple of bucks for shipping "across the pond" to Europe and it won't be that much more I would think.  Well, I guess we might have to cross that bridge when we get there... we still have to:

1. Pick out the 12 tiles, or make them if needed
2. Pitch the idea to Jay and convince to make an expansion
3. Discuss how the expansion is to be sold.  Internally, Gantry or someone needs to decide if we want to be responsible for the distribution (ala Games Quarterly) or if we prefer for RGG to distribute it, before we pitch the idea to Jay...

before we move on to marketing/advertising/pricing/etc.

Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2008, 09:46:39 am »

I agree with Novelty that the forest is not suited to a small expansion.

I think a Carc Central mini-expansion is a good idea. Lately it seems like RGG needs some fresh ideas.

The tricky part is going to be the cashflow. It will cost Jay to produce the tiles, and money will be generated from the sale of the tiles. Is there going to be a profit, and where does the profit go?

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2008, 09:48:51 am »

The tricky part is going to be the cashflow. It will cost Jay to produce the tiles, and money will be generated from the sale of the tiles. Is there going to be a profit, and where does the profit go?
I have no idea what the agreement was with Game Quarterly, but I hope we can get similar, if not the same terms as Game Quarterly, whatever those may be.


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« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 02:38:12 pm »

I've been thinking lately to add CC to my google ads account, that is, displaying ads in the forums and on the front page. Matt & I talked about it a few times, and we both agree that ads really are annoying.  However, that being said, there is something to be said for an easy way to raise money for expenses, prizes, or in this possible case, to fund an expansion. We would definitely keep the ad displays low-key and not overwhelming.  We haven't made a lot with our meeplepeople affiliate account yet.

On one hand, I think it would be a great idea to have a CC expansion, made by members, all profit either going to those who developed it or pumped back to cover expenses.  Personally I don't care to see a dime personally, I'd prefer to put any money made back into the site or back into funding further expansions etc. Do you all agree this should be a non-profit venture?

Let's agree also to hammer out a lot of details here before anyone approaches Jay. Everyone in this group I feel are great candidates for a CC expansion team.

Have ideas for Carc Central?  PM me!

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« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2008, 02:52:02 pm »

I would be happy and willing to assist in anything on a non-profit basis personally (i.e. I would prefer CC to have any profit), although i'm not that good with tile design, but if I can assist, you have me on board. I am keen to get the user base expanded and I understand that websites do cost money to maintain. The more people we have the better the site will be.
The idea of a CC developed fan expansion is great, in that we can decide the tiles in the expansion, get 'official' tiles and get to write the 'official' rules! Right up my street Smiley
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 05:50:33 pm »

And make official arbritrations when the inevitable unanswered question comes up. Grin

Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2008, 06:16:25 pm »

I second everything Joff said Smiley


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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 06:00:34 am »

The idea of the CC expansion got me thinking regarding variants/expansions that could well work with a CC 12-tile 'official' release, which is why I stuck with small mini-expansions that I am currently developing. I have also been having brief chats with Novelty regarding this (via PM). We think this subject would be more useful out in the open, amongst the Admins and Authors of CC.

Novelty's initial assessment of a CC expansion was to have just tiles and no 'new' expansion tiles, similar to the ones I am currently working on. I feel that if we ever were able to market an expansion (which would be a long shot, let's face it), missing out on the chance to have published something completely different, that requires a ruleset (even if you could point people to it via CC) would be a wasted opportunity. After all, you would probably get only one chance and I would love to have an 'official' Jousting Tournament ring (i'll be honest!) instead of my home-made version!

I made a statement to Novelty that that would be pointless to produce an expansion that added nothing 'new' in the way of rules, seeing as we could get most configurations of tiles via official expansions.

I do not think that GQ11 was pointless, far from it... we needed a tile with a road leading from the spring, and some of the tiles were indeed different configurations. That expansion at least added something useful, but in the process swallowed up more ideas for different tiles.

My point was,  how many more different configurations that would be useful can there be left? It's all very well making nice looking tiles that don't add anything different regarding configuration and rules, but that would be indeed pointless. I see Noveltys idea about a four way roundabout would be useful, and perhaps 3 way roads that are blocked on one side only might be ok (Cleric and Serf, Families), and a lake that has a road leading from it... but what then?    Edit: I can see now that there might be quite a few that exist.

I'm just putting the 'feelers' out, so we can all have a think about this and perhaps come up with new configurations that haven't been done before, have a real need to be included, but don't add anything in the way of rules. Although for every expansion released there will always be some point or another that will require arbitration. For instance, adding roads which tunnel underground (one which we already have officially) would lead to having to make an official statement about it eventually (think of the GQ11 pig herd... Jay was forced to make an decision (the wrong one, I might add  Grin) even though most presumed it was a pig herd, and still do).

One idea would be, to add the pretty tiles (i.e. one which had a Jousting Ring included on it, or a picture of stocks!  Wink) without giving any extra rules for it! You could use it as a regular tile or when one gets to make the inevitable arbitration statement, point back to the rules for using!

« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 06:05:36 am by Joff » Logged
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 06:10:46 am »

Well, the first thing we need to figure out first before we even figure out the tiles is who's gonna be the person dealing with Jay and also dealing with the public.  I think Gantry should be this person, but he has not yet said whether he'd be up to this.

Basically, this person need not be Gantry, but for convienence should be based in North America.  That person has to:

1. Deal with Jay and hammer out any agreements with him
2. Get a whole lot of printed tiles from the supplier and pay the costs in advance
3. Advertise and market the CC expansion
4. Sell and ship the CC expansion

That's quite a bit of work, and it's not something that's done for a short time and then it disappears but could end up as a continuous thing.  It's a whole lot of responsibility.



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« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 06:44:56 pm »

1. Deal with Jay and hammer out any agreements with him
2. Get a whole lot of printed tiles from the supplier and pay the costs in advance
3. Advertise and market the CC expansion
4. Sell and ship the CC expansion

1.  Evil contract Sure no problem

2.  Confused eyes *cough*...

3.   @ sign Advertising & marketing really depends on whether we need more than just some marketing to game stores who can do the selling for us plus ads on this site, or if we want to do more than this. Many options & levels of effort involved.

4.  Homework Online store is no problem other than potential cost which should be factored into the entire equation. The hands-on packing and shipping, we'll have to look at options as you know my time is a bit limited.


Have ideas for Carc Central?  PM me!
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2008, 06:52:49 pm »

I think the next step would be an exploratory email to Jay to see what is his response... no point going further if he slams the door shut now.  We also need to ask if he has any strings attached if he gives the green light.  All yours, Gantry.

Edit: You've got his email Gantry?  PM me for it if you don't.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 06:55:15 pm by Novelty » Logged


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« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2008, 11:34:49 pm »

sent today:

Hi Jay,

A group of members from Carcassonne Central, including myself and a mixture variant authors, have decided to look into creating an officially-sanctioned Carcassonne Central expansion for Carcassonne. The crew was thinking of a small one, like the precedent set by the Games Quarterly expansion, but naturally with a set of rules.

Of course there are many considerations - financing, distribution, marketing and so on - but before we get into any of that, I wanted to see what you think of the idea in general. Naturally everyone is interested in the financial arrangements that GQ had, so if any of that is available to us as a case study that would be a great help.



Have ideas for Carc Central?  PM me!
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2008, 09:37:40 am »

Yay, Thanks Gantry.  I hope we get a favourable reply soon.

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