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Author Topic: Dragon X Tower X Mayor Questions~  (Read 12219 times)
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« on: September 06, 2008, 11:35:18 pm »

Here is my question when I play that 2 expansion together~ (The Tower and A&M)

-1.    Is there can deploy all of the followers (Meeples, Big Meeples, Mayor, Wagon) to the top of towers ?
-2.    Is there can take all of the followers (Meeples, Big Meeple, Mayor, Wagon) prisoner by towers ?
-3.    If -2.'s anwser is Yes. In the case John have token May's 1 Meeple, 1 Big Meeple and 1 Mayor. May juz takes a John's Meeple from this turn.  Who have the choice to exchange which follower of May? John, May or No people(Is must be the biggest or smallest one)??
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 12:11:05 am by cori226 » Logged
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 11:55:22 pm »

1. Wagon = no.  Page 51 of the CAR says it can only be placed on roads, cloisters and cities.
Meeple = yes.
Big Meeple = yes.
Mayor = no.  Page 50 of the CAR says it can only be deployed to cities with no mayors or knights.

2.  From page 44 of the CAR (version 5.0):

The moment Player B captures one of Player A's meeple, an exchange happens.  Player B gives Player A the newly captured meeple and Player B (owner) decides which one of the available meeples it wants in return.

You can find the latest CAR at



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« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 12:04:11 am »

THX for your anwsers...and I am clearly now

sorry for I deleted some question...becouse I found the anwsers form "Rule Clarifications (Princess & Dragon, and Tower expansions)"

P.S. I posted it again~
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 01:19:53 am »

For those reading this post, I replied to the original post which had the same question 1 and the new question 3 as question 2.

And to reply the new question 2: Yes, a tower can take any of the follower types as captive.


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« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 05:16:59 am »

I saw a website (may be a PDF) few days ago.

that is about all of the special tiles information,
e.g. the road connect/not connect to the city, the road cross to the city but not connect.
it is simliar to this PDF (, but not exactly.

But I have forgeten where is it, and can't find it.
Anyone can help me??
It is very helpful to explain the wagon's rules to my friends~

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« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 02:52:29 am »

I found it in my firefox's history

I saw a website (may be a PDF) few days ago.

that is about all of the special tiles information,
e.g. the road connect/not connect to the city, the road cross to the city but not connect.
it is simliar to this PDF (, but not exactly.

But I have forgeten where is it, and can't find it.
Anyone can help me??
It is very helpful to explain the wagon's rules to my friends~
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2008, 04:27:41 am »

Hey Joff, could you let Gantry host that file here as well?


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« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2008, 09:14:39 am »

All the variants at hosted at the site are available for hosting at Carcassonne Central (with Scott's agreement), should that be required.

When I created the site I saw it as an 'extension' to CC, although not officially, of course.

The site was intended to collect good variants together, formatted to a similar style of Matt Harper's CAR, possibly providing a companion guide to the CAR. When I redone the variants in this style, I sought confirmation of the format and any rule changes from the originator of each variant where possible (in the case of Trading Posts that was Kevin Graham's original idea, but some of the additional rules were by me and approved by Kevin. Kevin has given permission for his variants to be hosted at CC and CW in this format).

Work has not been done for some time, due to awaiting the arrival of the latest CAR. Once this has arrived (once HiG/RGG get the new releases out Wink ) we will then decide from that point what direction to take the site.

I, along with Scott, would welcome any suggestions.
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2008, 12:28:52 am »

I am in full agreement with the above post.


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« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 01:50:05 am »

All the variants at hosted at the site are available for hosting at Carcassonne Central (with Scott's agreement), should that be required.

When I created the site I saw it as an 'extension' to CC, although not officially, of course.

The site was intended to collect good variants together, formatted to a similar style of Matt Harper's CAR, possibly providing a companion guide to the CAR. When I redone the variants in this style, I sought confirmation of the format and any rule changes from the originator of each variant where possible (in the case of Trading Posts that was Kevin Graham's original idea, but some of the additional rules were by me and approved by Kevin. Kevin has given permission for his variants to be hosted at CC and CW in this format).

Work has not been done for some time, due to awaiting the arrival of the latest CAR. Once this has arrived (once HiG/RGG get the new releases out Wink ) we will then decide from that point what direction to take the site.

I, along with Scott, would welcome any suggestions.

As you all know, I am the type of person who likes to share his toys in the playpen, so my view of Carc Central is that it is what the community wants to make of it. I know there are definitely some circumstances where for various reasons one might want to keep control of stuff on their own site (ie Matt's CAR & FAQ), but I am totally open to considering you guys putting your stuff here and managing it yourselves. I understand you have the domain paid for and all, but the advantage is that for the community, there is one less place to go hunting for good Carc material. Food for thought. I have plenty of bandwidth and hosting space.

Have ideas for Carc Central?  PM me!

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« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2008, 12:32:25 pm »

...I understand you have the domain paid for and all, but the advantage is that for the community, there is one less place to go hunting for good Carc material...
That is a significant reason in my books. It is nice to have one big repository for information rather than many smaller ones. That is my honest and completely unsolicited opinion. Cheesy

My KARMA ran over your DOGMA
Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2008, 12:10:41 pm »

I agree with Gantry.

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