Sorry, Joff but what I meant was that it could be fun to take our own knight because we may need it elsewhere, may be leaving some other knight in the city. If we don't want to do that, why don't we put the tile somewhere else?
And, Joff I don't like house rules. I play the officials. There's always some way to solve the unclear situations.
Finally, (and this is for everyone) I don't know what's all the fuss about the MUST/MAY stuff. Before we MUST, now we MAY. Over.
I'm not quite sure what you mean as you directed your response to me!

I posted a question here, because of the title of the thread (Rule Clarifications (Princess & Dragon, and Tower expansions)). My post was a question regarding what the official rules document says regarding playing a volcano tile. FYI, I also not a fan of house rules.
The P&D rules state that the player who plays the volcano tile "must immediately move the dragon to this tile from its current location. The player may not deploy a follower to the tile, but may - according to the usual rules - deploy a builder or a pig, or move the fairy".
Can a player also play a Tower piece?
That was my question.
Officially, you can play a Tower piece to
any foundation or
any already constructed tower (as long as there is not a follower guarding the top) in lieu of placing a meeple (as Novelty said). You do
not have to draw a Tower foundation tile to be able to do this (as long as you are playing
The Tower of course!

I was just asking if legally you are allowed to place a Tower piece
when playing the volcano tile, as it does not specifically state this in the rules, although it would be a legal move in my eyes. Of course, if I have missed it (somewhere in the CAR) could someone direct me to it please

This at present is how I understand it:
A player plays the volcano tile. He
must move the Dragon immediately to this tile. He
may now:
Deploy a Builder to the newly laid tile (if legal to do so), or,
deploy a Pig to the newly laid tile (if legal to do so), or,
move the Fairy, or,
place a Tower piece (to any tower foundation or any constructed tower already in play), or,
place a Follower (meeple) to the top of any constructed tower, or,
place a Barn (if legal to do so).
Is this basically the corect understanding of how the volcano tile works?
Or do you mean that you are free to place a tower foundation anytime you want?
Just to clarify. You
cannot place a
tower foundation anytime you want, as they are printed on the tiles themselves. You
can play a Tower piece anytime in lieu of placing a meeple (if you have any Tower pieces left, of course).