I already sent an email through to Matthew, but I figured it would be worth asking here.
Hey, I was just about to answer
I'll do it here instead.
I haven't been able to find satisfactory answers to the following questions:
1. What figures does the dragon eat/destroy and which does he leave unharmed? I am particularly interested in knowing whether it destroys towers, and if so, do the tower pieces get returned to the person who played them?
Possible figures: follower, big follower, mayor, wagon, pig, builder, barn, tower. It has already been made clear that the count and fairy cannot be eaten.
Tower's aren't destroyed, but followers on top of them
can be eaten. The FAQ linked to is in the incorporated FAQ section, which I'm starting to realise could be better organised. The mayor and wagon
can also be eaten. Barns can't be eaten/destroyed—that's in the rules themselves. Builders and pigs can be eaten, and must also be removed when the last associated flower is removed (i.e. eaten).
2a. Similarly, what figures can and cannot be captured by the tower?
Possible figures: follower, big follower, mayor, wagon, pig, builder, barn. It seems clear that the tower, fairy, dragon, and count cannot be captured as they are neither followers nor do they really belong to any specific player, though the tower and fairy could be argued as belonging to another player, if only temporarily.
Towers, the fairy, the dragon and the count can't be captured. Builders and pigs are special followers, and can't be captured by a tower, although they can't remain in play independently. [wicke is wrong there] As I linked to above, mayors and wagons can be captured by towers, seduced by princesses, and eaten by the dragon.
2b. If the mayor, wagon, pig, builder and/or barn can be captured, would they need to be exchanged for the same figure or would a follower/big follower be considered equivalent for the purposes of exchanging prisoners?
See here—the big follower is ransomed for the same price as a normal follower. And a clarification in the Big Box rules (I should probably incorporate these clarifications into the FAQ) states that if several followers have been captured by player A when player B captures on of A's followers, player B may decided which follower to exchange. In other words, I can capture a normal follower and exchange it for a mayor or big follower.
3. When a princess tile is played, the original rules state that a knight MUST be removed from the city. Does this mean that the player placing the tile on he city he has claimed must remove his own knight if it is the only one in the city? (even under the German big box rules where it is optional to remove a knight, can the player remove his own knight?)
Yes. You can/must remove your own followers with a princess.
Thanks for thoughts!
No problem. Hope I answered everything!