I have another question about the count, it is about the following footnote:
Question: How does follower placement during the final scoring work?
Answer: In principle very similarly to the way it works during the game. The 'trigger' for the final scoring is the
player who placed the last tile and so ended the game. Beginning with the player on the left of the 'trigger' player,
each player redeploys one of his or her followers from Carcassonne to an appropriate feature [meeples in castle
can only be deployed to cities, and so on] on the board. Followers can also be redeployed to incomplete roads,
cities, cloisters or farms, since these will also be scored at the end of the game. This process continues until no
player can redeploy any more players from Carcassonne. The count still blocks the city quarter in which he is
resident. Normally the player with the most followers in Carcassonne will be the one to redeploy the last figure.
My question is about the bold underlined part: what does this precisely mean? Sometimes it seems wise to refrain (for the moment) from putting meeples from Carcassonne to a feature and just wait what your opponent does and act accordingly. Beacause of this the end condition is not clear: player(s) might just wait for each other to play endlessly... A more logical way to define the end of the process would probably be:
This process continues until all players have successivele refrained from retrieving meeples from the city of carcassonne
So if you are playing with 4 persons: the process is finished when 4 people in succession didn't retreive a meeple from Carcassone.