Thought it was about time I started a new topic on this, since it might get quite involved.
I've started putting together two pages of the CAR in Google Docs for integration into the website: the
Introduction and the rules for
the Basic Game.
Feedback would be appreciated.
A couple of things I've noticed.
—First of all, I set up bookmarks and links to all the footnotes, and everything worked fine until GD completely forgot all the bookmarks I'd made. So I did the whole lot again, and the same thing happened. That could have been Opera. I haven't tried it in another browser yet—too demotivated by the endless destruction of bookmarks. (Edit #1: Switched to using Fluid—which is based on webkit, like Safari—and the problem hasn't recurred.)
—Also, although GD offers a number of export options, including PDF, it doesn't currently allow you to merge documents for export. The latest version of the CAR covers 70+ pages, which obviously need to be broken down here; but then it will only be possible to create—within GD—separate documents of each, rather than a single combined document of everything. GD will automatically zip several documents together in HTML format, which is something, at least.
—Edit #2: Images are a bit of a pain, because the text was added afterwards. The most efficent method at the moment is to screen-shot the image+text and upload that instead; but then we end up with the beautiful white backgrounds all over the place. But redoing the text in a light colour would be a hassle, and the arrows—which are black—are all from the original. And png/gif would result in a larger file anyway.
—Edit #3: The PDF export looks pretty good—not as good as before, maybe, but not bad.
Sample here.
So, does this seem like a useful thing to persue? And if so, what do you think would be the best way to continue—by perfecting one section at a time, or dumping the entire text into GD, straigtening it out, and adding images and so on later?
Also, who would be interested in getting involved?