Here at work there are a few of us that like a lunchtime game (gets us away from the computers and the coding...)
We have two "mega" sets, both of which are basically 2 base sets, 2 Inns & Cathedrals, 2 Traders & Builders, 2 Towers and river I & River II (plus various tiles either found on the 'net or given from friends sets)
We play for a strict time-limit (usually about 45 minutes), and only have the following meeple: 4x small; 1 Big Meeple; 1 Mayor; 1 Wagon; 1 Barn; 1 Pig; 1 Builder.
We do not use the Abby, the King, or the Robber.
We believe that the basic premis of carcassone is that "once played a meeple can only be recovered by completing the feature" - so we do not play the Count; the Princess & Dragon; or the tower-stacks.
We also use 3rd edition scoring (2 points for a city, even if it's only 2 tiles; and each farm scores individually)
We tend to have 4-6 players, and are (as a rule) cooperative.... with the "as a rule" being important, as
every rule has an exception Generally, we find that our scores tend to be close: we've had games where 5 players are separated by just 10 points, other games where players (OK, me) scored just 17 points!
One of the interesting facets is the effect of the barn - it has stopped Farm-Wars: there is now no reason to fight and struggle to bring another meeple onto a farm to wrest control (or regain an equal share)