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Author Topic: Carcassonne the 6th  (Read 36868 times)
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« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2008, 10:40:44 am »

Well, it's supposed to be €3=£2, and €1=$1. Obviously that fluctuates a bit, so at the moment I'd estimate that €10=£7=$13.
 Scratch head


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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2008, 11:48:54 am »

King and Robber Baron tiles could have done without the crown symbol; pretty obvious which expansion they are from. I was expecting a different symbol on the River II tiles, but oh well.

Where clarifications have been omitted in these new rules, are they going to be omitted as well in the Annotated Rules, relegated to footnotes, or left as-is?

The definition of "several" is slightly ambiguous. I suspect that it should mean three or more. Not really fair for two cloisters to battle a single shrine.

According to BGG, the HiG version of the Big Box doesn't include the first River expansion. How are Germans supposed to get their hands on it who don't have it already? Is it still available as a separate mini-expansion over there?

The completionist in me is not caring that I already have most of the expansions. Lately I have been feeling inclined to purchase the RGG Big Box, especially following my purchase of Abbey & Mayor which has the separation symbols printed on each tile. Also, the Big Box takes up less space, so it's easier to transport to a friend's house. (Although there are other solutions, part of me prefers to keep things intact.) Last but not least, some of the tiles have improved artwork in cases where roads were supposed to end at an intersection. I think these same inclinations are going to make me buy the full 6th expansion.


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« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2008, 12:17:53 pm »

I changed to the HiG Big Box, shipped in from Germany. It was about £40 to buy and ship in. I am much happier with it, and have sold my RGG copies of Carc, I&C and T&B, but I kept the River from the Carc box as that is not included in the HiG Big Box. I was going to add the Tower and P&D anyway, so it was more cost effective to buy the Big Box. I also prefer the symbols on my tiles for seperation purposes.

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« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2008, 01:09:52 pm »

King and Robber Baron tiles could have done without the crown symbol; pretty obvious which expansion they are from. I was expecting a different symbol on the River II tiles, but oh well.
Agreed. The symbol is inconsistently applied: useless on the King and Robber Baron tiles, and not on the Count tiles at all…

Where clarifications have been omitted in these new rules, are they going to be omitted as well in the Annotated Rules, relegated to footnotes, or left as-is?
I'm thinking they should be relegated to footnotes, which has been the previous method… There's no reason to think that the these clarifications are now somehow wrong… I could ask if you want me too.

The definition of "several" is slightly ambiguous. I suspect that it should mean three or more. Not really fair for two cloisters to battle a single shrine.
Disagree here. It has to mean two or more, because the moment there are two (say, cloisters) you can't determine which one you've challenged. Wouldn't be fair, as you say, and lead to many problems…

According to BGG, the HiG version of the Big Box doesn't include the first River expansion. How are Germans supposed to get their hands on it who don't have it already? Is it still available as a separate mini-expansion over there?
Can't get it; end of story. I got my copy with the PC game. Has some dumb numbers on the back, but otherwise it's fine. I think The River II was actually meant to replace the first, not expand it…

The completionist in me is not caring that I already have most of the expansions. Lately I have been feeling inclined to purchase the RGG Big Box, especially following my purchase of Abbey & Mayor which has the separation symbols printed on each tile. Also, the Big Box takes up less space, so it's easier to transport to a friend's house. (Although there are other solutions, part of me prefers to keep things intact.) Last but not least, some of the tiles have improved artwork in cases where roads were supposed to end at an intersection. I think these same inclinations are going to make me buy the full 6th expansion.
Yeah, as Joff said, the Big Box is nice. I'd like to have it too. As far as size is concerned, I've got everything—everything—in the original box. Gonna run out of room soon…

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Duke Chevalier

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« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2008, 09:18:38 am »

Quote from: mjharper
I'm thinking they should be relegated to footnotes, which has been the previous method… There's no reason to think that the these clarifications are now somehow wrong… I could ask if you want me too.

I don't think it's that they are now considered wrong, but obvious enough not to need mentioning.

Quote from: mjharper
Disagree here. It has to mean two or more, because the moment there are two (say, cloisters) you can't determine which one you've challenged. Wouldn't be fair, as you say, and lead to many problems…

I think we're actually trying to say the same thing. When I said two, I didn't mean two cloisters, but one cloister and one shrine. This would mean that a group of two or more cloisters is protected from being challenged by a shrine, and a group of two or more shrines is protected from being challenged by a cloister. The only fair challenge is 1 vs. 1.


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« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2008, 12:07:18 pm »

Quote from: mjharper
I'm thinking they should be relegated to footnotes, which has been the previous method… There's no reason to think that the these clarifications are now somehow wrong… I could ask if you want me too.

I don't think it's that they are now considered wrong, but obvious enough not to need mentioning.
Oops, my bad. I didn't bother to read the introductory section of the rules (the bold part), which says (slightly free translation):

This expansion consists of four mini-expansions which can be integrated into the game together or individually. It is not recommended to combine The Count of Carcassonne and The River II, as situations may arise in which it is impossible to place tiles properly.
In other words, the official position seems now to be that you should use either one or the other…

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« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2008, 03:32:44 pm »

It figures, I go away on holidays and the interesting stuff happens!

My observations (however weak they are):

1. New stuff keeps mjharper busy!
2. Getting a set with tiles you already have means 2 things: either bigger mega-Carc sessions or else available tiles to make your own expansions!


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« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2008, 03:37:36 pm »

It figures, I go away on holidays and the interesting stuff happens!
Welcome back! Hope you had a good one!

My observations (however weak they are):

1. New stuff keeps mjharper busy!
Is true.  :Smiley

2. Getting a set with tiles you already have means 2 things: either bigger mega-Carc sessions or else available tiles to make your own expansions!
I've been thinking about that… perhaps we should call it Ultra-Mega-Carc  Grin

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« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2008, 06:17:11 pm »

This expansion consists of four mini-expansions which can be integrated into the game together or individually. It is not recommended to combine The Count of Carcassonne and The River II, as situations may arise in which it is impossible to place tiles properly.
In other words, the official position seems now to be that you should use either one or the other…

I was under the impression that as long as you pointed the river away from the city, everything would be good.


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« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2008, 06:31:47 pm »

Yup… But I guess that, with enough tiles you could still double back on yourself and head back towards the city.

I still reckon that my house rule—lay the river first, then fit CC in the position that fits most sides—is the coolest solution here.

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« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2008, 07:54:03 am »

Back to basics:
(1) When does it come out in the UK?
(2) Does anyone know if Heretics is to be released as a seperate box?
(3) what's the whole thing called (in English)!

I've said elsewhere that I think it's wrong to include new with old, and it's been well documented here. There is a lot of sensen releasing the small boxes in one big one for those who've not got them... but not with new stuff!!!! If I buy this it will be the third time I've bought the Count, and I don't even like that one! (Bought it on it's own, then got it in a complete set lot from ebay now this).

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« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2008, 09:49:03 am »

As far as size is concerned, I've got everything—everything—in the original box. Gonna run out of room soon…
Is it possible to you fit the Tower (the actual tile holder/thing, not the expansion) inside the original box and still have enough space leftover for everything else???  I've got almost everything, except P&D and Cathars, but 2 copies of River2 all in my original (not Big) box.  It's getting rather full at the moment.

Back to basics:
(1) When does it come out in the UK?
(2) Does anyone know if Heretics is to be released as a seperate box?
(3) what's the whole thing called (in English)!

In reverse order:
(3) The german name translated into English is "Count, King and Consort"
(2) There has been some noise that the 5 tiles maybe released as a mini-expansion of some sort.  Hopefully, it won't be in a german magazine Smiley
(1) I have no idea Sad
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 09:54:46 am by Novelty » Logged


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« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2008, 10:32:57 am »

Is it possible to you fit the Tower (the actual tile holder/thing, not the expansion) inside the original box and still have enough space leftover for everything else???
Yup. Well, to be fair, it does stand a couple of millimetres proud, but nothing that's a problem. I'll try and upload a photo later. Basically, I put the tower dispenser in first, then fill it with tiles, and fit the other bits in around it.

(2) There has been some noise that the 5 tiles maybe released as a mini-expansion of some sort.  Hopefully, it won't be in a german magazine
Not likely, since that would undercut sales of the 6th expansion. But when the Cathars came out (and the Almanac, for that matter), we didn't have the forum… I just know I'm gonna get an order for 400 copies from our members if it's ever reprinted Wink

Edit: there's a photo of my carc box here
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 03:25:36 pm by mjharper » Logged

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« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2008, 01:07:52 pm »

They should have just made a 'heretics' mini expansion with the cult places or whatever and the cathars. I reckon they would get more sales but i doubt they would be able to do cathars.
Marquis Chevalier

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« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2008, 06:28:56 pm »

They should have just made a 'heretics' mini expansion with the cult places or whatever and the cathars. I reckon they would get more sales but i doubt they would be able to do cathars.
I hope they do this as well.  Would it infuriate people if they included the 5 tiles with either (a)new tiles or (b)the game quarterly tiles?  I don't plan to get K,C&C, so I don't think it'll affect me either way - in fact, it might be nice if they do include either (a) or (b)  Shocked

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